Solid DLC all round. It's largely more of the same but with a separate plotline and of course on a smaller scale. Has a few moments that aren't executed perfectly but the quality is consistent with the main game so it's hard to complain.

Definitely worth checking out if you liked the game, there's really nothing I can think of that is made worse, it's just a neat little side story with a pretty badass premise.

There is something so cosy about sitting back and listening to people's "lives"

Playing this after VA-11 HALL-A I was worried it wouldn't hold up, and while it does feel much more compact and lacking in banter (and Jill), it still has a lot of the same charm, just in a different flavour. I hope they add more in the future releases, but I'll play them regardless.

If you liked cyberpunk bar vibes, why not give fantasy hipster coffeeshop vibes a try :)

The perfect type of silly that makes my dumb baby brain chuckle more than it should

Really glad this one turned out as good as it did, given how little I actually remember from Danganronpa - aside from loving all 3 games - I was cautiously optimistic going into this and effectively got exactly what I wanted 😌 (..almost)

Thinking back on the whole game, I think the most disappointing thing for me would be that it's a little easy, or hand-holdy (pun intended.) I'm not sure if there are difficulties but some of the questions were so guided that you didn't even have to figure it out to get the answer, which I can only assume was true for Dangan as well but as mentioned I really don't remember a whole lot from those in terms of details like that. A personal peeve more than anything and something that is of course necessary to a point, but as someone who enjoys playing detective it's a little bit underwhelming to figure something out and then basically have the answer highlighted for me - what of my pride, game!? 😩

That aside though, the cases themselves are pretty solid. There's a noticeable outlier that's weaker than the others for a number of reasons, but even that one likely seems worse than it is on account of it having to follow what I believe to be the best case in the game. Some clues are a bit obvious and clocking onto things before the characters can take you out of it a bit, but I s'pose I can't blame the game for my incredible detective skills

To the surprise of no-one the music is banging, it's very 'Danganronpa' but let's not pretend we didn't all want that anyway. The world setting is cool too, and there are some interesting ways that the game uses it's setting to further the story as well, almost making the rainy city a character itself.

Each Master Detective essentially gets a chapter or case with the protagonist, giving them all their own time in the spotlight and room to leave a lasting impression, as well as giving us a chance to see and put their different skills to use. This was a great way of making each case feel different, with even just the approach to your investigation changing drastically depending on who you're with. It helps that they're all unique too of course, with the sort of interesting designs and personalities you expect if you're familiar with that other franchise I won't name again.

The character we spend the most time with however, is our companion Shinigami. I don't know how much they were inspired by our beloved Aiba from AI: The Somnium Files, but the influence is very much there, albeit with enough diversion as to not feel like an imitation. Shinigami definitely has her moments where they maybe leaned a little too hard into one of her traits, but for the most part I found her to be charming in her own way. She learned from the best 😌

Anyway, I feel I've rambled enough - Ironically enough by trying to say as little as possible I've ended up writing a more 'review-y' review than usual lol, good job me. Definitely recommend this one if you're interested and/or enjoyed their other works. My time played in the end came out to about 60 hours but I reckon an enormous chunk of that is idle time bc I am incapable of focusing on anything even remotely visual novel-ish and will start browsing online stores the minute I hit start 🥹

Thanks for reading everyone, hope you're having a great month and enjoying whatever you're working on! Not sure what my next review will be, I'm currently being consumed by Baldur's Gate 3 so I guess we'll see how long that takes me :p

The combat in this game is insultingly bad. You could play through all of Yakuza's 0, 1, 2, 3 and 6 twice and still be grappled less times in total than you will in 1 chapter of this. At one point I was even teleported a couple feet to the side mid-combo because I was being grappled by someone 2 people away.

I honestly can't say I enjoyed any of the last quarter of gameplay at all, and the finale that people seem to adore missed the mark by so much it wasn't even on the same planet. With the final-final boss fight being quite possibly the most infuriating and un-fun thing I've ever done in a game.

The problem isn't even difficulty, the game isn't hard. In fact I didn't die more than once, if at all. But every combat section especially in the last couple chapters is just non-stop stunlocking and knocking you over. I unlocked all the skills people recommend, stability and quicker rise and so on (which in itself is ridiculous. If they're required to make the game playable, don't make them optional.) But I digress, I couldn't even tell you how I beat the final boss I spent so long being juggled or on the ground. Even the counter-attack skill does fuck all, with the enemy simply starting their second attack while you're still hitting them with the counter to the first. It's complete dogshit.

I'm sorry if you like this, and I'm sorry that I didn't. I fucking love Yakuza man but this is bullshit. I didn't even mention the plot but the whole thing is stupid in all the wrong ways. I'm never touching this game again in my life.

P.S. Haruka's barely in it! What's the fucking point.

Hot off the hype of Dragon Quest XI, I figured I'd dive into the earlier games in the series and see where it all began.
Naturally, it's not quite on the same level as XI, but this game holds up surprisingly well if I'm being honest. It's very much a classic JRPG, the map is fairly small and there are maybe 10 enemy types with varying colours but little more. The whole game can be completed using only the D-Pad and A button, but that's to be expected of an NES game.

The combat, like everything else, is incredibly simple. For a time you're best off putting enemies to sleep or stopping them from casting spells, but other than that a standard attack and heal when needed are all you really need.
I'd definitely recommend finding a map online that labels the locations to get an idea of where to go and in what order, I even referred to a level-by-level "guide" as a way of checking if I was ready for a certain enemy or location just yet because - and this is likely the most off-putting aspect of this title - the game forces you to grind.

I joked to my girlfriend early on about this being a 1 hour game with 7 hours of forced grinding, and honestly that's not entirely inaccurate. You can travel to almost anywhere on the map from the very start, but you won't stand a chance in most places unless you've done a bunch of encounters in a lower-level one to buff your stats and save money for better equipment. That very much is the game.

For that reason, this was best experienced (by me) as something to do on the side while working or cooking, just run a few circles and bop a few enemies while attending to something else, worked a charm and made for a nice easy completion for the month :)

The story is just enough to allow the game to exist, the world isn't very "alive" like I praised XI for, nor the characters, but for the first instalment of the franchise there's still enough charm here to keep it enjoyable rather than just tedious.

In conclusion, Dragon Quest is not a phenomenal game, but it doesn't have to be either, well worth trying for the low price. It served me well as a distraction from work and to tide me over while I desperately wait for news on XII...
Speaking of, onto Dragon Quest II :)

Please refer to @Nancyfly's review for a more detailed review, our thoughts are largely the same.
Nancy's Review

Only key difference: I had the added benefit of being able to open my inventory but 99% of the time it was only to discard loot and replace it with higher value loot ... This game works really hard to live up to its Looter Shooter genre by just drowning you in dogshit. Level 40 enemies dropping weapons worth 10% of the shit you found in a dirt pile on the way there, very cool.

Okay I won't lie, I started this back in 2019, got addicted for a little bit, spent ages grinding out challenges and collecting shards, got tired of it and came back 2+ years later, so my memory is foggy :p

That said, this game is a lot of fun. The combat is a little lacking and I would've personally preferred voice acting or more music, but the gravity mechanic is great fun (if a lil wobbly,) the music that is in it is great, the set pieces/costumes. ..etc are cool and the characters are sweet and charming too - at least from what I recall!

I'm hoping 2 improves on this and hopefully I can play that as a complete experience instead :)

You know when a comedy sitcom has an episode in a completely different style just for fun, but it ends up being even better than most the normal stuff? That's the best way to describe this.

Freebird Games really never fails to disappoint.

These games are made in such a way that despite the pixelated art style and at times basically being a visual novel that you walk through, they consistently succeed at hitting heavy punches and making the characters feel more alive than I would expect. Even just subtle things like characters readjusting their seated position between lines go a long way to build immersion and help combat the feeling that you're just reading a screen.

The main reason I've given this entry a 4/5 is hard to talk about, because the game works hard to subvert expectations in a way that I expect is quite unlikely to see coming. So in the vaguest way possible, I'll just say that the first hour had me excited to play one type of game/story, but within a couple of hours it became clear that what I thought I was in for, was not the case. This isn't a bad thing, and what I got was still fantastic, but it's a shame that my excitement for the former being left hanging resulted in me taking longer to really get into the reality -- or more accurately, I was somewhat distracted throughout a lot of the game, wondering how the opening was relevant or necessary to what was unfolding.

Perhaps I would've preferred if they'd stuck to the formula a bit more, but I appreciate them trying new things and as above they still delivered on what they did very well :)

Overall this was a delight, all the same charm and emotion you'd expect from these devs. If you've played the others definitely give this a try, just be sure to play the games in release order as while not directly connected there are absolutely some callbacks in this that will be lost on you

P.S. You don't need me to tell you but the music is superb, as always 😌

I don't have too much to say about Peakmin 4 but I'm really gunna miss Oatchi going back to play 1 and 2 ...

Biggest complaint by far is that some late-game cave enemies are super BS and can devour far too many piks at once if you don't have the right crew/approach (I'm ngl I soloed half the final cave as Oatchi) -- This wasn't bad for most of the game but it got to a point where I'd only have a couple dozen of one type and I'd lose all of them instantly if I got licked or knocked over or screeched at the wrong moment. Skill issue I'm sure but still a bummer.

In terms of positives though, everything else! Level designs were great, music is beautiful, having so many pikmin types was fun (even if half of them were so rare it was easier to use Oatchi) -- This was really fun to just sit down with before bed and I really can't believe I spent nearly 30 hours on it before reaching the true ending. There's something so addicting about figuring out how to get stuff done and then watching cute lil guys put the work in.

Really recommend this to anyone interested, super chill time (until it was the most stressful thing ever, but that's over now, it can't hurt me 😌) - easy to get into and honestly just buy it regardless so we real gamers can get a 5th one :p
It even has hands down the most hateable villain in all of media 🥹

That'll do it anyhow, thanks for reading folks, hope you're all well! I'm 110 hours deep in Infinite Wealth so hoping to finish that this week, review will likely end up similar to this one but we'll see -- Until then! 🙏

First 2023 completion to kickstart another year of 'reviews' that are mostly irrelevant rambles! How fitting that it should be a game that I have very little to say about, with a few general statements to make instead :)

This game was pretty fun, nothing to write home about if I'm being honest. Some cute dialogue and neat characters, couple things took me by surprised which was nice, I do appreciate when the formula is played with if only a little. Overall a chill time, doubt I'll remember it for long but sometimes it's nice to just spend an evening with something like this.

Admittedly I was hoping my first would be more significant like Xenoblade 2 but that game is taking me so long lmao. Decided to switch up my pfp as well! (Definitely wasn't copying Nancyfly..) - I love Jill but I was ready for change and a new year makes for a good excuse, felt only fitting to rep my 2022 GOTY 😌

Hope you all had wonderful holiday seasons and go on to enjoy 2023 to the fullest. I've made it a mission to play more JRPGs this year so you might get some more time between my rants... Maybe I'll finally write that FFVIIR review if the DQ XI one overtakes Shadow as my most liked :p [Nancy can't stop me from replaying it again if I say it's for that huehue]

I've got a lot on the burner but I'm open to suggestions for any must-play JRPGs (or whatever) so please feel free to drop your favourites and guilt me into playing something new! ❤️

Very difficult game to rate, or review to be honest.. If you don't know, this game is very much just exploring a house, reading old notes/letters and listening to voice journals telling stories related to things you find. If that sounds boring to you, I get it, trust me. But idk, it feels so personal.

The voice actor does a great job at really making it feel like a true account of real events, hell it may well be and I'd believe it in a heartbeat. It's fascinating how just hearing someone's story and exploring their personal effects can be so captivating, regardless of whether you know them or if they even exist...

A lot of love and care went into making this game and it shows, it's hard not to appreciate that. The one single gripe I take with it is that I don't share the tastes of Sam and so any time I found a casette tape to play I'd have to turn it off bc I hate punk music lol. Skipping the credits for the same reason was kinda sad too, but it's not really fair to criticise an indie game for not falling into the cliche of having indie folk music :p

I've rambled as usual, if you're interested even a little, give it a try. I wasn't expecting to care as much as I did, it might surprise you too :)
Thanks for reading!

Honestly a pretty solid game to be fair. It takes a lot of inspiration from other games like Metro so it's hard to recommend without adding "but if it's the X you're interested in then Y does it better", but overall it's not half bad.

For a PS5 enhanced edition it still doesn't exactly look great, and clipping textures weren't uncommon, but idk I don't really care about stuff like that anyway. The load times were kinda long which was weird, but oh well. Other than that though I had a good time with it!

Gunplay feels pretty good, the inventory and weapon customisation was fairly standard/limited but it worked and I felt like I could play how I wanted/adapt to different situations well. The characters were present enough that I spoke and listened to them but I wouldn't call them memorable. The enemy designs and such are about what you'd expect from a Terminator game so I don't have much to say there either...

Man my reviews this year are starting weak as hell I don't have anything to say about either of my first two games lol. It's a Terminator game that's kinda similar to Metro Exodus but way smaller scale and lower budget. I thought it was pretty neat :p

Currently loaning my switch to a friend while he's in hospital (he's fine dw) so Xenoblade 2 is yet again on hold.
Hoping to get started with Horizon Forbidden West tomorrow and maybe chip away at some unfinished PS games or try out some short/sweet indies I was gifted on Steam, either way January isn't shaping up to be a very interesting month for completions :(

Great little game! The art style really works with this type of game and does a lot to give a relatively 'basic' sports title a lot more personality than it could've had without. There isn't a whole lot to this one to be honest, but the gameplay loop is the selling point and you already know how fun it is.

I played this using a mouse and keyboard (despite all common sense) and even with this handicap I managed to have a really good time and feel myself improving the more I played. The challenges on each stage do a fantastic job at encouraging you to mix up yout play style a bit and the complexity of them amps as the levels go on.

Biggest letdown overall really is that there aren't too many levels in total and the final boss is just, ugh. For a game about flashy tricks and badass combos ending it with a boss battle that throws so much at you all at once you're essentially forced to do nothing but dodge is a huge shame, and gives the game's finale a bitter taste, rather than a triumphant one.

That said, if the gameplay interests you even a little, I'm sure there's a lot of fun to be had. Definitely recommend picking up :)

(and of course big thank you to the missus for gifting this for christmas knowing I was too stubborn to buy it myself even though I'd like it :p)