It's fine i guess, if you're into it you may like it, I'm not into it lol

This was quite possibly the first PC game I ever played so it's very dear to me.
... Couldn't tell you much about it though .-.

Short and sweet but if the prologue / standalone story is this polished and has so many little secrets and alternate routes then I'm really looking forward to the full game

Played for about 40mins. Didn't make it past 1-3. Yup, that's Spelunky :^)

Honestly, not as fun with the gf ;)

A lot of fun, there are loads of songs of various genres and many of them are great. It's quick to learn and not too challenging. The only thing that might put new players off is the fact that some of the costumes and load screens are lewd, meaning that Steam will recommend you horny nudity games every time you play it. [This is not a problem for your boy]

Otherwise, perfect game to jam out to for as long as you feel, definitely recommend if you like rhythm games. -- Oh the devs are lame tho so I'm not buying the full version hmph

[I wrote this review right after playing in 2014]

To The Moon is a really beautiful game, the story is just wonderful, both happy and sad, bringing tears of all kinds to your cheeks. Play this game. I couldn't be being more serious, just play it.

It’s no Miku Picross but it got me a lil addicted before I found out the better version existed

This game had a lot of potential honestly but the fact the Steam version is still broken after so long is ridiculous. Every time the location changes the screen flickers to a painful degree and sprites would spawn at the top and drop down into place.

It had some interesting mechanics and the plot seemed decent but after a couple hours my headache said it was time to stop.

Game's very pretty, everything works together really nicely and soundtrack is lovely

I was loving this but the stupid 'load' button is right next to the 'save' button and there's no warning and I lost 3+ hours of progress blergh

Too many enemies, not enough loot. Still played for way longer than planned wiv da missus. Hopefully the new game has more to it for us to enjoy

The only songs I can't do on the hardest difficulty are Camellia's (..the bastard) and quite a few of them I do on the hardest and sped up. Bet I look so awesome.

Every time I died (which was never, obv) and they shouted “Snake! Snaaaaaake!” I’d join in but shout “Jake! Jaaaaake!” And therefore this game rules.

Also for such an old clunky game it was one of the finest gaming experiences I’ve had I think maybe

I don't remember looadds of this game cause it's been a while but I've played it at least 3 times cause it's good stuff. Finally an open world game where you drive on the left!! :D