People think this games is stressful and has you juggle a lot of elements at once but no... Unironically this game tends to always destress me whenever play it. The Ost by Laura Shigihara is a timeless classic that happens to always put me at ease.

Loved the setting and the story. Cheryl is such a good character in her design and personality. Banger ost and banger messages of struggles. (Item management was a bit of a pain and some puzzles were... finicky)

I first played this back on the ps3 and I wasn't able to really know where to go due to me being a child which engraved a more of a trial and error approach to how I finished it. The map, ost, characters, fights all repeated in my head in a good way
Replaying this recently on an emulator was like reliving a dream. Might be biased due to nostalgia but because of how long I spent on my first run every area and every minute of replaying it was like uncovering facets of my old experience.
Gameplay is fun and first of its kind back then so i give it that. story is... simple in this segment but overarchingly its long. Its a game with a childlike wonder that makes people who haven't even played it feel nostalgic (maybe due to disney but oh well)

The world is so colorful as always and the ost is a banger. I love deep cut and all the new bands and all. But they could've done way more but still this game is amazing and ignoring the FOMO behind it. Its amazing

The audio design goes hard in this. Everything other than the gameplay itself is so fleshed out and made to really keep you on edge. Only gripe is that it gets bit too repetitive (considering there are what...9 in total, safe to say that it gets watered down in comparison)

One of the first roguelikes I've played and holy, have I been playing just a small small fraction of it.
Also I only beat a run with the rare rainbow chest so idk if i am entitled to say i finished it or the game pitied my attempts that it game me a freebie

Give pyramid head add-ons. Jokes asides I love the idea but I get so stressed playing killer and annoyed as survivor. Did introduce me to nice pieces of horror and is a good game in terms of storytelling but... with recent patches and a never ending debate over perks and balancing its a chaotic game which i guess fits the theme of the entity feeding off of emotions good or bad

A walking sim with a bunch of retcons trying to reestablish silent hill for future titles. Also using themes like SH/S to convey a story is a bit similar to well SH2. Still its anything silent hill related to might as well dig in

Too repetitive and good old expansive nothingness

The graphics were so good for the time and the setting was nice. Story was a bit weird and there were a lot of misses but the aesthetic is great. Loved the characters the most tbh

Setting wasn't all too good and the story was a bit meh. But the biggest flaw is having to switch character for just a certain attribute of them and making a "community.'' Would've of much rather a jack of all trades skill tree than having to find a old grama and a construction worker just to get in and clear a base

Had a lot of fun with this game but now it feels like a chore to get on it and play it with friends... Its not like the game changed but the players did. Ranked is a slippery hill and most games end up as a close match which is great but still. Its nice in design and idea but I guess I just changed

Had fun on the first run and was quite the good VN. but wouldn't replay it repeatedly to see all the dialogues though but amazing art style and voice acting

I couldn't bare the slow start. sorry