Fuck the censored PS3 version this slaps

On keyboard and mouse it's extremely easy but you don't play this for the gameplay

Compared to the original JSR it fixes a lot and adds even more that makes the overall experience feel like a game that is worthy of being played although there are some questionable choices here and there
The music is fantastic

There's something to this game that may or may not grasp your attention enough to make you think that behind the text and images there's actual people with stories that in another world could be very well real
The music is amazing

My friends think I'm a pedo because of this game

The gameplay is fairly simplistic, but I liked the story well enough to stick by it for 80 hours
VERY Good music

You can throw a grenade, use slow mo and shoot it midair

It's good but I keep fucking up my characters

I've spent about 45 hours on this game and most of it was staring at the screen trying to figure out how I should write my code vibing out to the music, which is pretty much what I do in real life

I bought this game twice to play as the same class

DOOM 2016 but with much more: color, gore, mechanics
Good highs (the micromanaging of the fights) but extremely boring lows (mostly the bossfights)
Good music

What Assassin's Creed should've been

I can block as Vergil
Minus the late bad level design, the pointless gameplay of V and playing as Nero again the game is ok
Some enemies are really annoying