Throughly underrated, even with some baffling design choices. The atmosphere and lore are quite definitely something else, even if not that thematically consistent when sandwiched together between both the first and third game, and the came can truly be incredibly pretty when it really wants to be. The best one to play with friends by a long shot, as well, which definitely helps on my outlook of it.

Not as crazy with this one but it is indubitably excellent any way you might look at it.


Todo lo que busca hacer lo hace con decoro, un juego perfecto en su género

Flawless classic Monster Hunter, it really could not have gotten better than this

Better in Monster Hunter World in some areas and... worse in others, sadly; like it better as an overall package, all things considered, and the combat, especially after Sunbreak, is nearly flawless

This game has some truly inexcusable design choices; even if they exist to further a (admittedly great) meta narrative, Beard and Pardo's levels shouldn't be as they are

Best Dragon Ball game and absolutely my favorite kusoge

Objectively a... decent to mediocre game, but a decent to mediocre game that holds a rather special place in my heart

Unfortunately kind of a mid metroidvania with a gorgeous art direction

A glass of water without any ice

So many miles ahead of SFV that is not even particularly funny, a true return to form and of the biggest comebacks ever seen in the genre and industry as a whole

After two years of what was pretty much constant improvement, I would say it is quite deserving of its score. Happy Chaos shouldn't be a character and, while petty, is the only reason of why I wouldn't consider the game a 5/5 as a FG experience

Flawless platformer with an insanely flawed community

The themes of 2 resonated quite a lot more with me; it is as good, if not better, a game