actual dogshit.
the traversal is slow and janky, on overly large and complex maps
the combat is chaotic and unbalanced, and topped off with the longest respawn times i've ever seen in a game.
it doesn't even have a decent progression system to back it up.
this has been one of the worst FPS games i've ever played.


the story is amazing. sure it can seem jarring and strange, but it's story makes so much sence. while trying to fix it in my head, i realized that this game is tailer made so finely to make it all line up.
it's sad as fuck, but there's nothing i would change about it. i love this game's story.

story gets a 5.

i played a little of this and it was just too much. i do have to say that it knows what it wants to be, and it's well fleshed out, but the difficulty and punishment is too much for me to want to binge it. it doesn't help that the fanbase insults you if you want it to be easier.

i might return to it one day, but for now: i'm good.

this game is a masterpiece. the lack of linearity can be really threatening, and what you have to do isn't obvious all of the time.
this game is really brave for trusting you to know what to do, but sometimes i prefer the game to be more direct in telling me what to do, especially in a linear game with a set path, so sometimes i feel like i'm going in circles.
the gameplay loop is amazing. later on once you're more exposed to the collection of weapons, it becomes a loop of: battle, scavenge, move forward; and i love it.
while it can be threatening to some, once you get going, it's one of the most fun and creative first person shooters i've ever played.

gameplay gets a 4.
story gets a 5.

this game is so close. there are a hand full of gameplay issues, and random crits makes it really difficult to learn. but i've had some amazing moments in this game, that make it all worth it.

this game is free, so i recommend you pick it up and give it a try, but i'd reccomend sticking to practice bot servers.

gameplay gets a 4.

the "full version" of CSGO puts you in servers with better players, and forces you to understand the meta. and once you do, you struggle to understand why this game hasn't been rebalanced. the 2 best strats are ak/m4a4, and sniper. you can succeed with other weapons for sure, but these are the superior options. after realizing this the game can still be good fun, but it feels more restrictive and at sometimes frustrating.

gameplay gets a 4.

super fun, but not too much to keep me coming back.

gameplay gets a 4.

this game is tons of fun, but i wish there was more. there's so little, that the colors have to be restricted to shitty challenges. i feel like if i 100 percented it, i wouldn't feel satisfied.

gameplay gets a 3.

simply amazing. looking for a good laugh? bam, this game has you covered. want to make fun little wars? bam, this game has you covered. and once you start becoming bored, the secret units add more hours to play time. i just wish that it was more power saving. everything down to the maps take quite a bit of ram. if you want to watch or listen to something while you play this, i recommend you pull out your phone.

looking back, i think this love came from the excitement of every update. but now that the game is out, it just feels boring. i feel like a sort of progression system or custom map maker would make this game much more enjoyable and replayable. but now when ever i play this game, it's dropping in, messing around for a minute or so, and turnning it off.
i'll have to sadly bump this down a bit.

gameplay gets a 3.

the gameplay itsself is solid enough for around 10 hours of gameplay, but everything surrounding it falls apart. i was really hoping the career would be more progressive, like forza, but no. it's just pick an event, and race, there's nothing else to it.
there aren't enough choices for this to be that interesting, i'd say wait for a sale.

gameplay gets a 3.

the beginning of a brilliant concept that has saved me countless hours of boredom.

gameplay gets a 5.

i got this game on sale for 30 bucks, and i'd say that it's worth the full price. no matter what car you get in, you are going to have so much fun in it. even if the car sucks, you can go wild upgrading it to make it almost a completely different car.

i have to admit that this formula isn't perfect, and can be aggravating, but i loved my first entry in it.

gameplay gets a 4.

this game has been kind of a disappointment lol.
the gameplay is good and solid, but the customization and progression do not make it feel worth it. also the matchmaking can really suck.

i might return to play this game more, but i'll have to wait for once i get tired of better games lol.
as of returning to it, my mind has not changed. this is such a meh game. and this returning to it made me realize the gameplay isn't even all that great.
this is such a meh game, i'd reccomend against picking it up.

gameplay gets a 3.

this game has the same problem as borderlands 2, in that it is far too meant for multiplayer. i ended up downloading a cheat engine just to get through this game. and once i finish it, i'm going to instantly uninstall it, to clear up space on my pc.

the story is ok, but doesn't really make up for the problems. def on the same page as BL2.

gameplay gets a 3.
story gets a 3.

one of the most amazing games i've ever played. my biggest problem is that the campaign/story is too short, and not impactful enough to replay. but the endless mode definitely adds plenty of value.

you have to check out this game. it's the most innovated shooter i've played in years

gameplay gets a 5.
story gets a 3.