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i want to start with this: as of april 2020, far cry 5 is now my favorite game. the story is amazing, and the gameplay is so much fun. it has it's issues no doubt but that doesn't change how much i love this game.

the biggest problem i have with this game is the linear sections. the open world gets you used to having full access to so many resources, and than the linear parts remove those resources.

now to the story, i fucking love the story. it's a story of slowly realizing that a cult is correct, and (in the resist ending) it ends with what you were told was going to happen, happening. it's basically asking what if immoral religions were correct.

gameplay gets a 4.
story gets a 5.

this is a really stupid game that i found some years ago while looking through free games. this game is stupid, had an awful community, and has so many issues, and yet i've found myself enjoying it quite a bit. it's something nice to pull out when you have nothing else going on in your life.

gameplay gets a 3.

the story is fun, the environments are wonderful, the guns are epic, and the gunplay is fun as all hell, but it all falls apart when you play it solo.
i picked it up for PC with the goal of beating it, but the aggravating enemies resulted in running through the level ignoring all of the enemies.
it feels like this game is so meant for multiplayer that it doesn't know what it wants its gameplay loop to be.
i hope that borderlands 3 fixes this (i'm considering picking it up)
the only reason i'd pick this up again is to have fun with a friend or 2.

the story gets a 4
the gameplay gets a 2.

this game is boring. it's not that fun to use a bunch of unoriginal machines to graphically destroy a figure. it isnt even fun to combo, get "wallality", or "minality" or what ever else there is. this game is outdated, and not fun. if your looking to destroy everything in your path, i recommend something like gmod, or minecraft.

gameplay gets a 1.

masterpiece. best in the buisiness. you can pet the dog

this is an amazing game. the platforming can be iffy, but it's very fluid. i'd love to see a sequel adding more ways to traverse.

but it loses some of my respect for that shit time limit level.

new favorite game right here boys.
the story humanizes chief perfectly, wraps up the cortana ark from 5, and the pilot is adorable.
the gameplay is perfect, sure graphics can be a little distracting, but they work just fine.
the only issues are some tedious missions, and some writing that can be a little jarring at times.

i don't know if it's worth 60 bucks, but it is a beautiful campaign none-the-less.

gameplay gets a 5.
story gets a 5.

i mean... it can be fun but it's just something to pull out when you're bored. i will say it's formula seems perfected, but it's so god damn simple that there's nothing to say.
get this for mobile, and don't spend any money on it.

gameplay gets a 3.

i just can't. this game gets on my nerves.
the music is annoying, the combat feels tedious and luck based, and i just skipped through the "story"

over all gets a 1.

coming from GTAV, my hopes were high for it's older brother GTAIV. but sadly i was thoroughly disappointed.

the gameplay can be decent with it's driving and physics. but when playing the campaign, the flaws in the shooting, and pacing can shine through.

the story mainwhile, completely fails to keep my attention. you are a side character, fulfilling tasks for other side characters. as soon as the ball starts rolling, and you feel like the stakes are getting higher, you start doing more chores for more randos you don't give a shit about.
i completely gave up on the story half way through.

gameplay gets a 3.
story gets a 1.

wolfenstein 2 improves on the minor flaws of it's older brother, but lets the larger flaws stay their ground.
story wise it is just something they put together to let the set pieces do their work. it works enough, and gives what your doing weight, but by the end it still feels like there are loose ends.
the basic gameplay loop can be a lot of fun, or really annoying. but in level design they did not do shit to improve it. it is still so damn easy to get lost, and areas are not memorable enough to know where you're going without checking the map half the time.

gameplay gets a 3.
story gets a 3.

this game is an addiction. this game's micro transactions are scummy, removing the campaign was the worst idea they could have ever made, and it's balanced so poorly. but i still love this game. the gunplay is so much fun, exploring the open world is oddly fun, and it pisses me off how much they removed. this game is so disappointing because it has so much going for it.

gameplay gets a 3.
story gets a 2.

this game's gameplay can be amazing. the chases can feel a bit static but at other times can feel so exciting and exhilarating. but at other times there are gimmick levels that are boring or painful to play through, that don't need to be there. i know that the campaign linear design is criticized a lot, but i love it. it feels so well baked into the open world, and the levels are so dynamic and fun.

this game looks really nice graphically. nothing amazing or breath taking, but it gets the job done really well.

i heckin' love the story. i do have to admit, that it can feel like a mess with no structure, but some could argue that it adds to the realistic factor. it's really upsetting that some of the loose ends aren't tied up though, makes it worse knowing that rockstar most likely won't make a direct sequel.

gameplay gets a 4.
story gets a 5.

this is a fun one. if you're into a good city builder, this is a really good entry point. this game is hours of fun, and there are so many developments to be made. while i only have 30 hours on it, i reccomend this game to anyone who wants to get into city builders.

gameplay gets a 4.

the campaign is so close to being perfect, but sadly it's stained by the level "cortana", which is a fucking nightmare, even on easy. meanwhile the rest of the levels are really fun, and the gameplay feels really good. but the multiplayer falls apart under poor balancing.

gameplay gets a 3.
story gets a 5.