Almost everything I liked about the previous 2 games have been completely stripped from this one and that's not even mentioning how the story is very lacking and frustrating or how some characters were straight up ruined in this one. Only reason it's not lower is due to the combat changes, which is somehow both another one of it's most glaring issues and also the game's only saving grace.

Very addicting gameplay loop that quickly sucks you in.

Great game. Man I don't even know what to put here beyond that other than that you really need to experience this yourselves.

What was suppose to be simply me checking out this game ended up with me being so absorbed into the world, the gameplay, and how gorgeous it all looks that I beat it in basically two sittings. The way this game ended left me yearning for more and I can't wait for it.

This game is factually a straight line, but everything else it does is so wonderfully executed that it doesn't really bother me in the long run.

Really fun and charming game even when the last episode falls off a little in terms of gameplay.

Vastly improves on the first game with upgrades and being able to play as Bentley and Murray. Backtracking all the way back to the safehouse can get mildly annoying though, at least depending on what episode you're on. Other than that, one of the best platformers I've played.

Did some things better, some things not as good. More characters to play as was nice, but the collectable bottles being gone was a bit of a bummer, not to mention how some parts felt a bit too gimmicky for lack of better word. Still a cool game regardless.

If the pretty big downgrade in art style wasn't a sign of things to come, then I don't know what is. Even besides that, the game just felt like a step back in many other regards.

I've been a fan of this series for years and I've only just now decided to head back to where it all began. Held up way better than I thought.

Still fun while also introducing a lot of series staples.

Everything about this game is phenomenal besides the sewer segments.

Still incredible even if some of the later parts of the game are copied and pasted from 2.

This one was different. Took a little while to get used to it, which I did manage, until a certain stretch during the second half of the game, where it loses it's steam.