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Kago commented on Kago's review of Assassin's Creed III
@RedBackLoggd calling people that you disagree with "trolls" is a bit immature man.

I say the same to you, no point in trying to persuade you when you can't see the difference between art styles.

I provided a source :3, plus if you've played the game you should know what I'm talking about, unless you're blind.

I did explain why actually, you're just not listening to me.

Keep coping about William, almost as much of a waste of time as he was in the game.

Nothing was proven false actually, insulting me does not make you right lol, but hey, whatever helps calm your nerves.

Repeatedly explaining how I engaged with the game only for you to respond "you didn't engage with it actually" is getting a bit repetitive, but again, calming nerves n whatnot.

Going back to that argument? I was hoping we'd moved past it lol, but anyways, it's like you solely read "vehicle for the story" and skipped over everything else, I'd suggest reading the whole paragraph.

There were no deliberately misleading/false statements, specifically there were no misleading/false statements in general lol

Opinions actually cannot be wrong lmfao, what color the sky is, is NOT subjective, while the quality of art IS subjective. Cannot believe I have to explain this to you.

31 mins ago

Llamadev completed Counter-Strike 2
Every time my friend asks me to play counter-strike. Iā€™m in tears, crying from laughing too hard since it brings me back to the prime COD days of toxicity entertainment. Great times with this title!

1 hr ago

1 hr ago

AiriBan completed Bazooka Boy

1 hr ago

Kago commented on Kago's review of Assassin's Creed III
@RedBackLoggd nah, I didn't make any "blatantly" false statements, and the side content is so forgettable and meaningless it literally does not matter if I remembered the names of every single type of side content. I engaged with it as much as it deserved.

and I would have to start insulting you and calling you colorblind to say RDR1 is going for a photo-realistic style, it's far from it. GTA 5 and onward yes, but GTA 4 and RDR1? Not even close. Meanwhile AC has always gone for purely realism. neo-baroque? What are you talking about? It looks nothing like a work from that era? It's a 3D game going for realism and nothing more.

Sources for the cinematography include 90% of cutscenes with characters talking to eachother lol.

I explained why the music is forgettable to me personally, I didn't fail at that lol. I'm not a musician so I'm not going to be able to specifically explain why this is bad or this is good, as a guy that plays video games I can simply tell you which soundtracks were memorable to me and which were forgettable. VERY basic concepts that I really don't feel like need to be explained.

Thanks, it is a good argument :p. William takes up too much of the players time when he adds nothing of value to the game, he's used once as an excuse for Desmond to go to abstergo. Underwhelming character that was a waste of time, that's that.

This idea you seem so firm on that I didn't engage with the optional content of the game is pretty ridiculous, as I already said, it sucked so I stopped wasting my time on it. I'm allowed to have an opinion on the OPTIONAL SIDE CONTENT even though I didn't play literally every bit of it. And you can be sure of whatever you want, I didn't lie.

I already mentioned there were other ships when talking about ship sizes, because that's mostly all it boils down to, they're larger, they take more hits, and they do more damage, big whoop. And again, the storyline throughout these missions was unimportant, I don't care about it. And to say AC3's naval combat was more in-depth than black flags is kinda laughable.

I'm glad you finally grasped the criticism I was making regarding the story missions, I didn't put it in the review as I'd assume I wouldn't have to spell it out for you.

to call me saying I don't need to explain every facet of a game as being disingenuous is actually absurd, I don't really know how else to react at that one other than laugh at the ridiculousness of it.

Quality is additionally subjective buddy :). I don't write to stand out to other people, that'd be quite silly. And check my biases? Dude, art is a subjective medium, literally every critic on planet Earth is a biased one, that is how humans work.

2 hrs ago

ZettaZeptogram played Mindustry
Fun with friends, but a bit overwhelming and so many things look alike that it can be confusing to find the right factories / towers / buildings. Also it just makes me want to play Factorio most of the time.

3 hrs ago

DeemonAndGames commented on DeemonAndGames's review of The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening
@curse I really want to play DX at the very least now, so who knows, maybe I'll end up playing every version of Link's Awakening XD

@Fizza Thank you so much for the wonderful words! I'm seing a ton of love for the game since I started playing it and it makes me even more excited to try out the original and even finally finish other ones like Lttp! Also glad I'm not the only one Goponga Swamp left traumatized XDDD

3 hrs ago

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