I remember this released the same day as a Taylor Swift album. Walking into a class I told my bud "hey, today's the big day" and some random ass girl behind us said "you're a Swiftie too?" That's the day all of my problems began. Fuck you, 11/11/21.


I won $55 off of a guy in a Pong money match

EXCELLENT game if you play for less than 100 hours, otherwise, Godspeed to you

I'm sorry I hate the beach I hate the sun I hate the water I hate fun

This review contains spoilers

On a third replay of this game, someone who I sacrificed my save file for messaged me on PlayStation telling me thank you, and that they were motivated to do the same for someone else just because I had done so for him. I realized in that moment that I had the same reaction during my first ever playthrough, I cried like a baby because ending E is not only an exceptional ending to a video game, but somehow actually connects you with the world in a meaningful way. I can't believe that I'm able to say this about any work of fiction, but this game genuinely improved my outlook on life. During this replay, I had a very negative outlook on my life, things were very bleak without much of anything to look forward to. I knew what ending E was, I had remembered its emotional impact, but I wasn't prepared for how that moment would impact me again, even though I knew what was to come. Those messages that I received MEANT something to me, and I only wish that I could thoroughly thank those who shared those messages with me, because they unknowingly saved me from taking my own life. The world is not inherently cruel, kindness begets kindness, and it is very important to remember that even in your lowest point when everything seems to be against you, the whole world is rooting for you, even if you can't hear it.

The employee at Capcom that made the background of Bubble Man's stage needs to be tarred and feathered

Currently playing through the game now, so the score is subject to change, but this game reminds me of why I love FF7 all those years ago. However, any writing pertaining to the love triangle not only feels extremely unnecessary, but also extremely forced and makes me hope and pray that it dies down once more members enter the party (I am on Chapter 5 going for 100% completion). This was also a problem I had with the first part of the remake.

This review was written before the game released

The artistic choice to base Shaggy's moveset almost entirely on ultra instinct memes from 2019 will forever be a ball and chain on this game's ankle

This game really makes you feel like the Lightbringer, it really makes you feel like THE FUCKING UNIVERSE

"Co-worker Game"
Definition: A game with a broad enough appeal to where it can be enjoyed and talked highly about by someone with minimal experience with video games (i.e. a co-worker) that also provides minimal enjoyment to anyone with >2 functioning synapses

I got Alfyn in one of my first pulls as a F2P player so this might be the best game ever actually

In a year or so, this will hopefully rival MGSV in just how many ways you can deal with any given situation, but as a co-op game at launch this is awesome

Psychicpebbles carries this game so hard and his minimal script is so ass

This kind of game works so much worse in 3D compared to 2D. It’s significantly harder to determine what is actually interactable, and the art style is noticably less interesting than the previous game on Super Famicom.