Been a long time coming but so happy i finally played this game. Not the biggest fan of strategy games but pikmin really clicks with me being there in the action and commanding all my little guys ah it’s sooo great. The only thing that holds this game back is the frustrating AI at times.

All I can say is I'm happy this game marked the debut of Kirby's iconic copy ability but that is. Level deign was bland and enemy placement was frustrating highlighted further by the 1 hit copy ability drop . Controls also felt very clunky I can safely say I won't be returning to this game

A solid small platformer for Kirby’s first adventure although the lack of copy abilities and weird controls holds it back

A short but sweet shooter with nice feeling mechanics. Although the zombie twist was out of no where.

A lovely re visit one of my fave 2D Zelda's a short but sweet adventure with a great storyline running through. Only Dampe's dungeon maker halts progress to 100% but other than that a fantastic Zelda once again.

I got to Margot and surprisingly beat him after many attempts however stormveil castle was too fustigating and was constantly getting fucked over by the knights wasn't a fan of having to grind out enemies to get stronger. I don't think the game is for me

What can I say it's more portal with added new mechanics that make the brain think a lot harder found this more difficult than the first but once the buttons clicked it was very satisfying. Additionally it features Stephen Merchant and JK Simmons need I say more!!

With GTA 6 on the horizon it was never a better time to get this games campaign off the backlog. As ashamedly as long as this game has been out I still had never finished/started the story mode. What can I say the game still holds up to day visually and Los Santos still stands up till this day Rockstar know how to make an open world. Said story was great although this was held up by the fantastic written main trio who were voiced to a tee. Gunplay and driving still feel excellent (even with many years of online under my belt). So glad I can say I finished this great game the only thing that holds it back were some very boring missions looking at you ship crate loading mission

(Nathan Drake Collection)

The first game in one of my favourite franchises, you can definitely tell this is the first uncharted with a pretty basic story, combat, traversal and puzzles. The game visuals were surprisingly bad looking and had aged well ( except for the cutscene character models). Although I love the characters and what this game started so the others could run,

Going in I knew the game was made by ex sonic mania devs so quality high speed platforming was expected and was delivered on. The games movement and flow felt great once getting to grips with it and the great use of combining to get that high score reminded me a lot of SA2. The soundtrack was stellar as per usual (Tee Lopes). Only a couple of minor visual bugs, slow down and the yo-yo targetting locking issues the game was great expected nothing less. Can we have Sonic Mania 2 now SEGA??

(Played to killing Ender Dragon) (1.20 Ver)
Minecraft what else is there to say about a ground breaking title from the initial concept of doing what you want and how far you want to go with it the game excels with this concept. From it's iconic visual design and amzing soundtrack no wonder this is one of GOAT's. This was my first time killing the dragon as well so I can now die a happy man :)

A great collection of sonics humble begins, you can tell that a lot of love was placed into the collection with all of the additional behind the scenes looks and the challenge mode. I didn't come across any bugs as such, my only gripe was the omitted sonic 3&k music which was fixed by a simple mod other than that a fantastic collection

(Origins Version) Yet again another great sonic game with all the same remarks as sonic 2 just more of the game which you can't complain about (except sandopolis)

(Origins Version)
One of the best Sonic games around fantastic levels music and speedy gameplay the only thing that holds it back is that metropolis zone!!

(Origins Version) Much more of an explorative type classic sonic game which can be felt in the level design making it my least favourite classic sonic game. Special stages in the game are annoying as well however both soundtracks slap as per usual