Better than the first game in terms of combat and music but playing these games have been a huge waste of time. I don’t know how a series like Nier was created after how shit these games have been

Takes everything Xenoblade 2 does and it improves it all immensely. The combat changes from 2 but the mechanics are very interesting and even with the few party members you do get it’s still super fun to play. Such an amazing experience that I wish had been made into a full length RPG but this was still worth the time.

I had an actual review here but forgot what it said as I changed it for a meme so here’s the new review:

Fuck you Pyra

Probably won't play this again. I'm a fan of Warriors games but this game is plagued with framerate issues to the point of being unplayable in large portions. They also dumbed down the formula of previous Warriors titles to the point where the game is just mind-numbingly boring. Some cool movesets but that's about all it has. Maybe a Switch Pro could fix it but regardless Koei Tecmo seriously need to up their game

Please make it stop

(Ending E was fucking hilarious though, my one bit of enjoyment from this game)

Shit attempt to cash in on the MCU’s campaign with watered down Arkham style combat. But since this is a live service game the somewhat fine combat gets torn to shreds from having to deal with the spongiest enemies of all time.

Glad this is getting delisted, it won’t be missed.

From someone who hated horror games until fairly recently, I could never have imagined the enjoyment I would get out of this game. The atmosphere, sound design, minimalistic UI, and gunplay are all perfectly blended together to create a disgustingly good horror experience. The twist and turns of the story and introduction of new enemy types are really well done and I had certain points in my playthrough where I really squirmed as I worked through the last of my ammo hoping that it would kill the last of the enemies.

A western masterpiece, we know how rare those are nowadays.

Not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but it is very, very good. Lower Brinstar has one of my favourite themes ever. For a SNES game the atmosphere here is incredible and it’s really what makes this game shine the most. Brilliant game

A one of a kind experience. Absolute masterpiece.

Didn't know a whole lot about this game going in, but it seemed interesting enough and the one song I'd heard from this game was really good so I thought I might as well give it a try.

This games combat is addictive, and the orbment system takes inspiration from FF7's materia system, but uses it in a better way. I feel this game will be a lot lighter in plot than the others, it is more about the journey and getting to know the characters and setting up the future plot points than anything else.

It's definitely got some filler too. But having said that, the characters are strong, the music is great and I don't think I've ever had expectations flipped completely by a games ending before in my life. Thoroughly enjoyable, and while not a 5/5 due to flaws in how chapters drag on and how there is a bit of filler, I can easily say that it is a brilliant game and I'm excited to play the rest of the series.

An unpopular opinion but this game is overrated. A nice open world to explore in but the shrines were boring and the story felt like an afterthought. I hated the weapon breaking mechanic massively. The bosses were great though and all 4 real dungeons I had a ton of fun with. In the end it just left me with a mixed bag and I'm hoping BOTW2 fixes this games issues

Genuinely think this is the only FromSoftware game I’ve ever played. Great fun in multiplayer, and in single player it should be used as a torture device

Besides a few issues due to the age of this game, this is a fantastic platformer with great level design, music and characters.

Dogen Boole

Decent, but it isn't as consistent as Dream Land for me. The framedrops are also horrendous, worse than Metroid

Play this instead of Super Mario RPG