my sweet prince. gone before the world can understand your power : (

This is inane. One of the best atmospheric survival horror games. This game is tense, and the combat is smooth. The middle section is a slog to get through (shoutout the 8 wheezers and 4 tendril sections), but other than that, this game was great. A must play to those who love survival horror games like TLOU or Resident Evil.

I haven't played a ratchet and clank game in forever, so I got into this with morbid curiosity as to how the series is holding up. I liked it a lot. The combat is classic, and the story is funny as always. I loved the inclusion of some characters like Emperor Nefarious, and Rivet was cool (Kit was mehhh). I wish they did more with the portal mechanic. Maybe make portal jumping important in combat? I saw it as a normal R&C game with some portals and thats it. Good game though

My favorite genre of games is survival horror. When I saw Dead Space's spiritual successor get bashed with mediocre reviews, I had to try it for myself. And oh my god. If there was a game as devoid of any feelings and actual creativeness, it would be this. Enemies feel bland, and the combat is repetitive. The entire time I never created new weapons. The surroundings look like a ps3 game with really really good graphics. In fact, the graphics is probably the only thing I can positively say about this game, the combat (at times) is fluid, and everything looks pretty real ig. The story is an actual spit in the face, with so many holes and unexplained reasonings that left me taking day long breaks from this game. Don't do it.

It was okay. The last 2 worlds were unnecessarily tedious and had no need to be so annoying. The boss fights were not that great. Kinda disappointing.

i like the 3d world levels, but the bonus levels were just plain tedious and some had no reason to be so annoying. The completion for 100% was horrible, and I really don't want to do it. Bowser's Fury was amazing though, hopefully nintendo makes the next mario game like it.

I really like this game. The campy humor isn't really stale/dated, and the voice acting is surprisingly good. The combat is fluid and those combos are chefs kiss. The game gets a little too uhh too horny at times, and those fan service costumes are quite fan servicey...

the biggest issue is the length (lol that's what she said amirite? tried to get into the vibe of the game). it's like 6 hours, wayyy too short. there's more like arcadey stuff to do, but it's wayyy too short. Maybe more game modes or something would've helped?

This game is the greatest definition of why I love Katamari. Unlike games like the new zelda or God of war Ragnorok, where progression and doing things feel like a chore, I was excited to get through more levels the more I played. This game is full of child like wonder and pure love for absolute creativity. This game is the pinnacle of naivety and creativity all working together.

I loved the original game, and this is just an improvement. it looks better, it plays better it's just better. The addition of royal reverie also rocks. This game is a must play, and one of the greatest games is finally ported onto modern consoles.

This sequel was amazing. Apart from the slight bugs and graphics mistakes, this game is a true step above the previous and creates the perfect Star Wars exploration game. The movement and parkour is on steroids now, and the combat is delicious. The story is absurdly good, and the twists and everything surrounding it was great.

My biggest issue was how I kinda wish there were more planets. It felt more like a go to Koboh, then Jedha, then back to Koboh, then back to Jedha. The story and mystery felt more tight and packed. And a little more enemy variety wouldn't hurt. AMAZING GAME, if you liked the first in any way, play this one.

This game is extremely impressive on a psp. It runs great, and the audio and graphics are awesome. The Problem is that after 1/2 of the game, the main stages get boring. You have to do consecutive stages (which is an awesome idea), but they make you do the same thing over and over and over again. The best part were the volcano stages which were actually a worthy challenge and very fun.

fun AF, but some puzzles feel way too complicated while others feel wayyy too easy. and i kinda wish there was more to do. but as a co-op game, it was hella fun.

this game's combat is so much better than the DS version. bless the lords above. Too bad the stories falls too far into "sequel syndrome" : (

Pikmin is the best nintendo franchise ever, but that doesn't mean it's perfect. Pikmin 1 is so full of glitches... but its so easy to look past that. It's charm and aesthetic is surreal. And the exploration and world design is amazing. The pikmin AI is really bad, and the jank leads to angering restarts and replays of days/boss fights. I love pikmin 1 with my heart, but god is it hard to play sometimes.

I tortured myself for 40~ hours, here are all my problems:
- the combat is way too repetitive (sorry DMC fans) and it lacks any actual strategy
- the bosses were just way too easy, even on hard mode, and they were just HP dummies who i had to waste 5-15 mintues on.
- hard mode wasn't hard, it just felt like they gave the enemies more hit points
- the equipment and gear customization is way too bland
- the hideout areas/open areas are way too boring and just feel shitily put together
- there is no incentive for exploring.
- the characters are so underdeveloped (side point: a large part of the plot is legit just game of thrones)
- the story is actual dookie, with useless characters being brought up and killed, and villains who were never truly introduced being introduced out of nowhere
- deaths i feel no care for, like legit they just happen... like cmon now
- ending boss was wayyy too monotonous and boring, like the last 3-4 hours I just had to like resist not skipping the cutscenes.
- this feels like an average open world game from 2015... it's no longer 2015.

ok im editing this because I actually liked the cutscenes,,, like the fully CGI ones.

My second monster hunter game and I was so happy at all the improvements. However, with just as many improvements, a few things kept it from being as smooth and as polished as possible. The map design, which was nothing really big in MH1, was pretty poor in a few of the areas (ANCIENT FOREST). Another very big issue I had was with the MMO-ness of it. THE INVESTIGATIONS WERE THE DEATH OF ME. Either i'm bad at searching my surrounding, or they purposefully make the monster tracks really hard to find. It took me like 2.5 hours to find the nergigante tracks.

I didn't finish all the monsters, but I did the main quest, and the main take away is that the devs really know how to make boss fights. All the choreographed moves from all the enemies feel perfect and refined. The combat is lucious and well thought out. The armor... actually works like armor which is a nice thing to see in a game.

While there are so many things I really like about the game, there are still weights that bog it down from being the refined/perfect experience it was trying to give.