The peak of pikmin gaming. The way you discovery treasure is amazing, plus the use of different pikmins feels natural, like youre not just using janked controls. Also, the pikmin's AI is so much better, and the combat is a lot more forgiving (except the empress bulbax, RIP). One of the best nintendo games ever, finally on my switch.

It was good. Way too short though. The ending sections with like the vanishing photo areas was kinda weird. A lot of thought and effort was put into this game, and it shows, but there was a lot of tweaking that they just missed out on. if there's a DLC for this game in the future... i'll def buy it though.

Meh.... my first time going back to destiny since launch, so I decided to start with the first available expansion. Way too short, and the essence quests sucked (kill 100 these guys, kill 100 those guys). Hopefully the rest are better.

I really didn't like Death Stranding when I played it originally. I came back 4 years later, trying to see what people liked about the game.

I loved everything Death Stranding was trying to be, but Kojima just didn't connect and polish everything enough for me to give it anything higher than a 4.

The combat was amazing, the true battle sections were colorful and tasteful. The vehicles were a tad janky, but worked great. Map traversal was awesome, but sometimes a little too "old school" with the trial and error. I loved the horror aspects in particular (survival horror is my jam), and the BT sections were awesome.

However, the story just felt a little disjointed. Like Kojima was trying to tell me something, and I guess he did... just didn't draw out what exactly I need to get out of it. The whole sections with Cliff felt a little out of place, and I don't really like how they resolved his arc. Wonderful character though. Which character I loved through and through though- HIGGS. He was amazing. A thorough villain, and not purposefully evil becuase he likes to go mwah ha ha.

Some of the character development was stagnant for a good chunk of the game, and then immediately went into overdrive (Deadman & Die Hardman). I had no real problem with it,,, but I know Kojima can write better than that.

As a PS Exclusive, I'd tell people to try it out. It's a game you'll either love or hate. I mean, it's not the last of us,,, or snake eater. But it's insanely creative, wonderfully put together, and entertained me from the beginning to end. It's not just a walking simulator... remember that.

I liked it. Nostalgic 2000s vibe, but with really weird racism (i get its the 2000s). I liked it. If you don't care about what the people say in the games, then play it. It's a fun time. Really creative and meta (before it was cool)

This game is very boring. I've never played dead island 1, but I played this game and I really don't want to play the first one. Dead Rising and Dying light were SOOOOO MUCH BETTER.

Really cool combat mechanics, but with really flat filler content. Fetch Quests galore, while the quests can get stale, the game is filled to the brim with personality. A creative approach to the genre.

The game that got me addicted to gambling

Better than the others, but still so souless and bad

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The ending fight with kittysaurus might be my least favorite boss fight ever.

The story was amazing. I didn't really pay attention to the gameplay. Just wish there was a tad more development between the main characters. Felt like one more hour couldn't have hurt.

The story is so rich and in depth. The characters are so dynamic and well written. The twists and turns were legitimately so original, I could not predict anything. Your choices not only have direct consequences but long term effects as well. This is a masterclass on story telling. The gameplay was incredibly fun, and oddly nervewracking for a text-based game. This is one of the best stories I've ever seen. Also the politics were so nuanced and intricate. It really made the world felt lived in and that it really "exists". Anyone interested in "history" or "politics" (in the fictional scheme of things) needs to play this game.

This shit's so bad. Like its so cringey. It's like one of those old cringey horror/edgy games