I LOVE THE PRINCE OF PERSIA SERIES. AND THIS IS SUCH A FRESH BREATH OF AIR. Some of the bosses were OUT OF THIS WORLD. The best Ubisoft game I have played. Lowkey worth the price. Worth the hype. WORTH THE 10+ YEARS WAIT. PLAY IT.


this is the definition of an indie game.

Great for the first 2 hours (Part 1), but the other like 3-4 ish hours are so boring. Such a slog. The guns get repetitive and the bosses are just blah. A good time waster.

So I cannot tell whether or not I am stupid for actually enjoying my time with this game. Before I start: all the arkham fanboys need to chill out- Batman being domed by Harley Quinn is not a disservice to Kevin Conroy. If anything, the really short bossfight is a disservice (but its just an issue with the whole game, not just batmans).

People who are playing A LIVE SERVICE LOOTER SHOOTER for the story are schmucks bro. I thought everyone knew this story was going to be bad, or at least meh... and you know- it makes up for it in the combat. Although the bossfights are kinda meh (except the final 2). The character interactions are funny and the suicide squad actually feels like a squad.

Gunplay is surreal and so cool. Movement... movement from a AAA game hasn't felt this cool in a long time. I played as harley quinn- and her moveset is the most boring one- but it was still really fluid. I saw the vids for joker's gameplay and movement and I am really excited.

MY BIGGEST GRIPE: is the really poor mission design. It's the thing that really holds me off of like actually enjoying this more than I wanted to. The non-boss missions are like 5 minutes... sometimes even like 2 minutes. And it takes ~2-4 minutes to travel halfway across the map for the quests. Granted, I finished this game in about 15 hours, so I was never bored out of my mind.

The bugs were also wild too. I had to restart the game like 15 times... hopefully we get a patch. Also my pre-order bonuses never arrived (until today).

In all honesty, i would wait until like a summer sale to play this game (so it could be like 40 dollars maximum). it was really fun, and great with friends. I hope the seasons and post launch content can sway the negative nancys.

Short and Sweet... maybe too short, but sweet nevertheless.

Server issues aside, this is one of the most entertaining and interesting co-op PVE shooters ever. The entire feel, the chaotic nature, and the brutal difficulty makes this an awesome time. I know this game is only 2 weeks old for now, but some new content would be killer, although what we have now is plenty. Also... premium battle pass : ( . and the fact that you can buy currency that you can already earn in game pisses me off. AWESOME GAME that i will probably play for quite a while!

Yeah, it's fine (i have purchased every single song Epic Games has to offer.)

really fun, just a bit tedious in the middle. Great enemy variety and awesome weapons.

I never played this game as a kid, but I KNOW i'd hate it.
IDK if its just this remake of the game or if it is the OG... but oh my god are the controls bad. The ability to grab enemies is so hit or miss (sometimes I stand right next to them and it doesn't work). The bosses are also hit or miss, with them either being extremely easy, or being hard AF. Also the latter levels (vision 5-2, 6-1, and 6-2) all feel too long and irritating to restart.

The music was great, the graphics were great, the first 2/3rd of the game was really fun for me. But the game kinda fell short in the end.

The better of the two Klonoas. Great Music. Good levels. Not too many boss fights (wanted more), but the snowboarding mechanics were WEIRDDDDDDDDDD. Cute story too. Kawaii and whatnot.

Respectfully, I have no idea what to say.
That story was so phenomenal but so confusing at the same time. But not an annoying confusion- an intriguing confusion. Honestly, my only complaint about the game is how some chapters' pacing is weird. The first chapter in the Corel region is just minigames, but other than this, I could look past it. The gameplay is fun, nothing new, but nothing bad. It's tried and tested. The materia is fun to use, and upgrading weapons is easy. The traversal methods (chocobo, buggy, plane/boat) are well made. I did mostly fast travel but riding on Chocoback isn't too bad!

The game is chock-full of minigames, side content, optional boss fights, and so much more. This was the first game (I think since I was 13) to entice me to do most of the optional content. My first play through of the game was 122 hours. I have NEVER done that with a game. I am so glad that this final fantasy was stellar, compared to the shit we got last year (ff16).

I cannot wait for part 3, the last Re- ff7 game :(

A fun time, but really short. Something just felt off playing this on a docked switch. As a remake it's good, but i feel like a reimagined version of this game formula needs to be implemented if they want to revive this franchise.

The one thing I noticed in this game was the great combat. The slow methodical aiming really made me feel like I was robocop. The abilities are mediocre… like the slow mo and flash bang abilities were nice I guess. The weapon variety was neat, for what it is. The pretty conservative weapon count fits the story and universe, but I just wish there was a bit more variety.

The worst part of this game is the story. What starts as a pretty cool, nostalgia-driven story becomes sluggish and pretty much unbearable. I started skipping cutscenes at the very end. Also… I don’t know if this was an issue with my ps5, but all the cutscenes were delayed. Sometimes it was a delay of 0.5 seconds and sometimes 4 damn second 😭.

The side content was also really boring. Just walking from point a to b, you’re lucky if you have to shoot someone. This is also an issue in main quests too… there are really weird difficulty spikes that just enraged me when I was playing.

Finally, the final boss was completely unnecessary. Like the main story was resolved and now we have this final boss?? Nah nah nah. If anything it should have been a post game addition. Btw I feel like a post game wojld go insanely hard in this game.

Overall, this is a prime definition of a meh-mid game. It’s a nice time waster, but if you’re looking for anything special, don’t waste your time here