381 Reviews liked by BorealPaella

You may call me a pussy, but fuck you. Shit's unplayable

i fucking read the thing whole because i was in a dark place and holy FUCK it is NOT GOOD please do not desensitize yourself to this slop writing of clockup

A very good argument against freedom of artistic expression

average vn degenerate fan's top 5 vns, the ones that think shocking content means its good and deep and suddenly think they are philosophers because the writers suddenly remembered to put a plot last minute in their jack off material so readers can think it was all calculated and makes sense

They fully leaned into the millennial cute cat memetics, and honestly, it sort of works. It's a very cute game that doesn't really try to do much else aside from being cute. And that's alright.

I do feel that these kinda of cutesy/wholesomy kind of games often ends up feeling a bit substance-less and fast food-y; And LKBC isn't immune to that; but honestly, that's also fine. I was reading a tweet by the devs about how they made sure that the game didn't have anything scary or morbid in it, because they wanted very young children to be able to enjoy it, and I think that's cool and good.

I unno, it's short and cute and I enjoyed it and I wish I could have a cat but I'm not allowed one in my apartment.

I am not immune to cataganda.

Stray if it was good. This is what happens when you actually stick to a vision instead of blowing your entire budget on Sonymaxxing.

It's a delightful mixture of Untitled Goose Game and Goat Simulator–with a little Breath of the Wild for good measure–wrapped into a delightfully dense, vertical, but manageable open world.

While the controls are a bit janky, it's hard to complain when the game purposefully lacks friction and instead gets by on the strengths of its exploration, tone, and quest design.

Super cute, sometimes funny, and usually pretty wholesome chungus. But this is definitely a game by people who actually understand cats. I remember soyfacing extremely hard when I came across a cucumber, and the cat jumped 16 feet into the air.

It's concise, confident, and a great way to spend an afternoon.



overrated as hell, gameplay is weaker than most roguelikes and it focuses too much on story rather than replayability in the form of build variety



I honestly didn't expect that much with this being a roguelike and all but I couldn't just ignore it considering how much praise it got. I did one playthrough and did have some fun moments but overall the disjointed storytelling and uncanny romanticizing of the Greek mythology aspects really turned me off. I highly recommend watching Lambhoot's video on YouTube called "Why I haven't played Hades"
Extremely eye opening.

revolutionary but flawed. cool exploration and stellar controls but half of the stages are lame

My childhood copy of this game has a massive gash on the artwork. I guess it really is true that every copy of Mario 64 is personalized.

thanks for inventing games mario love you

trying to come up with the most fucked up review to get all the Mario fans pissed off at me

"Uh Mario is lame and a loser"

the crowd flies into rage as I'm drowned in my own blood, but the fellow Mario haters quietly nod their heads in approval

This is Dark Souls Remastered all over again.

Bottom line, if you haven't played these games before and this is the only/most convenient way for you to play them, then give it a shot. These are very competent versions of fantastic games.

If you have played these games before and/or are upset at what was done here, complain as much as you want. Your views are justified, and more could have and should have been done here.

Both of these statements are true and they can co-exist.

(8-year-old's review, typed by his dad)

I'm giving this 3 stars because it's 3 games in one game and they are "All Stars"

could’ve been should’ve been more.