Nuclear Throne ran so this game could trip on its shoelaces and start crying over a scraped up knee

you don't just make one of the greatest stealth games and then make the sequel's flagship character be an utter antithesis of game design to corvo's perfectly neutral design and follow it up with a mediocre story

unless your studio name is arkane

if guilty gear strive's soundtrack wasnt a thing this would be uncontested for best fighting game OST

you dont just make one of the most unique and fun stealth games with an incredible visual artstyle

unless your studio name is arkane

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Sergeant Johnson my beloved

Very fun story and writing but level design kinda gets bland for the second half of Arbiter's levels

If you want to play this game on modern systems, play Manic Miners. The original game is a pain to get working, will crash on you often, and Manic Miners is an extremely faithful remake that'll give you almost a 1:1 experience of the original game.


The best roguelike on the market solely for the fact that it incorporates a full-fledged story and in-depth dialogue into the roguelite loop flawlessly. It took 70 hours before I was starting to get repeated dialogue, and I still am finding new dialogue based on new things occurring at the end of the story. The game mechanically introduces everything at a consistent pace to not feel overwhelming and gives enough room for creating diverse, interesting builds without feeling needlessly complicated.

Once you get past Act 1 this game becomes phenomenal

If this game just stayed how it was in 2018 it would probably still be one of my favorite multiplayer games, but Ubisoft is terrible with long-term balancing and development and saturated it with terrible balancing decisions and overcomplicated new characters that outmode old ones

>baba yetu
>leonard nimoy narrating

kino is served

this was the first steam game I ever owned and is distilled nostalgia to me

Highly fun on all fronts with it being fast-paced and highly customizable with mechs both functionally and cosmetically. For as little of a story as it did have, it was pretty good as well. Biggest flaw of this game is the weapon balancing; regardless of PVE and PVP its jarring the gap between weapons that are viable and weapons that just suck; shotguns and high-magazine rifles just reign utter supreme in the game's balancing above everything else.

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If you pretend Act 2 isn't in this game and ignore all the ARG story its honestly nearly a masterpiece. Act 3 has a few slight early game balancing flaws but I think it plays well to the change of game master between Leshy and PO3. However, with Act 2's clunky and terrible introduction of mechanics that exist exclusively for the Act and the ARG introducing very mediocre and generic story, this game can't get anything more than 3 stars out of me.

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Sergeant Johnson - god rest his soul.

Most consistently great Halo story mode from start to finish.

like this review if you hate pointy ears