i played this game for a straight 12 hours and was mildly satisfied

im not a weak pansy i dont need women with big boobs to play tile swappers

>baba yetu
>leonard nimoy narrating

kino is served

>named zuma
>they say zuma at the end of levels
kino is served

>game called factorio
>build factories
kino is served

like this review if you hate pointy ears

This review contains spoilers

If you pretend Act 2 isn't in this game and ignore all the ARG story its honestly nearly a masterpiece. Act 3 has a few slight early game balancing flaws but I think it plays well to the change of game master between Leshy and PO3. However, with Act 2's clunky and terrible introduction of mechanics that exist exclusively for the Act and the ARG introducing very mediocre and generic story, this game can't get anything more than 3 stars out of me.

If this game just stayed how it was in 2018 it would probably still be one of my favorite multiplayer games, but Ubisoft is terrible with long-term balancing and development and saturated it with terrible balancing decisions and overcomplicated new characters that outmode old ones

THE absolute best space game that stands the test of time so insanely well that its insane outside of Everspace 2 no other space game even attempts to follow in this game's footsteps. Probably why they're all just not good.

Despite all the changes, Leper's still in the game and that's good enough for me

I'm going to return to this game at some point and fully beat it and its prequel, but I think the game, despite having its own flaws caused by its new genre, is overhated

Once you get past Act 1 this game becomes phenomenal

The greatest number simulator of all time


I wish the first act was better because goddamn