The only thing this gen and game really have going for them are mega evolution Metagross and Gengar, Aegislash and Chandelure and that's it. Story's very boring, legendary pokemon are bland, and a majority of the pokemon in this gen are boring. Gonna eventually play a different Pokemon game just so I know what a good Pokemon game is.

Pentiment is Disco Elysium but if it sacrificed a portion of DE's storytelling for an outstanding visual art direction and level of detail and was focused on religion instead of politics. The way key decisions are handled in the game are taken in an interesting direction and its really cool to see the main town evolve over the course of the game based on decisions made. The only gripe I'd have with this game is the persuasion system feeling forced in just to incorporate game mechanics, which is a preference thing above all else.

Highly fun on all fronts with it being fast-paced and highly customizable with mechs both functionally and cosmetically. For as little of a story as it did have, it was pretty good as well. Biggest flaw of this game is the weapon balancing; regardless of PVE and PVP its jarring the gap between weapons that are viable and weapons that just suck; shotguns and high-magazine rifles just reign utter supreme in the game's balancing above everything else.

Great game story-wise, but the weapon sandbox feels underwhelming and second half of this game's story is some of the most horribly designed levels of Bungie Halo and dampens the experience.


The best roguelike on the market solely for the fact that it incorporates a full-fledged story and in-depth dialogue into the roguelite loop flawlessly. It took 70 hours before I was starting to get repeated dialogue, and I still am finding new dialogue based on new things occurring at the end of the story. The game mechanically introduces everything at a consistent pace to not feel overwhelming and gives enough room for creating diverse, interesting builds without feeling needlessly complicated.

this was the first steam game I ever owned and is distilled nostalgia to me

It is insane how Blizzard has consistently made games with solid launches then manage to make them terrible with post-launch balancing.

you don't just make one of the greatest stealth games and then make the sequel's flagship character be an utter antithesis of game design to corvo's perfectly neutral design and follow it up with a mediocre story

unless your studio name is arkane

Outside of the forgivable plot holes and some nitpicks with later level design, this game's an example of a sequel done perfectly with its balancing and art direction improvements from Doom 2016. Excellent across the board.

this rating is not out of genuine respect for the game but induced by stockholm syndrome because despite how much of a glitchy mess this excuse of a game is, some parasite in the back of my mind insists i return to this every few months to get an achievement or two done

you dont just make one of the most unique and fun stealth games with an incredible visual artstyle

unless your studio name is arkane

First three episodes are very boring, game reaches proper kino corny once you hit episode 4. Worth playing just for the setup into season 2.

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Sergeant Johnson my beloved

Very fun story and writing but level design kinda gets bland for the second half of Arbiter's levels

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Sergeant Johnson - god rest his soul.

Most consistently great Halo story mode from start to finish.