total banger. holds up. the play control, player freedom and vibe are excellent but the music is the best part.

everyone has the game they played with their friends where everyone spurred each other to greater heights, to play mind games with layers of "well he knows that i know that he knows that i know..." and to utterly humiliate newcomers who think they're hot shit.

this is mine. peaches got it!

this game is AMAZING and BEAUTIFUL and i have to play it on EASY MODE with UNLIMITED LIVES

damn this disasterpeace music video has sick graphics

deepnest with headphones on 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫

they not only delivered on the promise of the inspired but flawed original but pushed beyond it nto something far far more interesting and fun to play. i hope double fine gets to make 10 of these

stunning, original, beautiful game. honestly my only gripe is that the final boss is not as interesting or fun as the rest of the game and they coulda cut one of the THREE fights against another boss. minor blemishes on an underrated classic

THE retro game. total masterpiece. i play it annually like christopher lee reading lord of the rings.

the controls, the music, the fan service, the roster, the music, the online, THE MUSIC

no head to head bowling where you alternate frames with your opponent. like actual bowling. why. faithful update and upgrade besides that though, even if the outfits are pure FOMO heroin

pros: bayonetta but with optimus prime.

cons: the currency and upgrade system was utterly incomprehensible

one of the biggest fumbles in gaming history. if they fuck up the pve i swear to GOD

eta: they fucked it up!

nailed it! never could get a good online multiplayer session going though.