typography! themes! transubstantiation!

1759 by Richard Spaven.

That's the review.

in retrospect its so wild that the hype on this game was so intense that they made an entire motion picture to preview it and people went to see that motion picture in theaters! including me!!

imagine if you could blow up a bat with a boomerang in real life. just imagine

the feminine urge to kill space pirates with an ice beam

SMB 1 : SMB2 : : SMW 1: Yoshi's Island

(to the tune of the multiplayer lobby music)

we only want the guys who have all of the guns
we dont want the guys who just have some of the guns
we only want the guys who have
all of the guns
all of the guns
all of the guns
all of the guns

they fuckin got me with this shit. when i tell you my mind was BLOWN

if this game just played 'lonely rolling star' when you put it in your PS2 it'd still be a classic!

the bad news: a flawed game bursting with creativity and brilliant ideas. several of my favorite video game levels of all time alongside one of my most hated. control, camera and movement not quite up to the challenge that the game presents.

the good news: they fixed all that shit in the sequel.

bad news: while the conceit of "the first half of the game is exploring the minds of sane people, the second half is iNsAnE people," was very clever and presented in a very benign way, it feels like a holdover from a different, less compassionate time in our culture.

good news: they fixed all that shit in the sequel!

bad: jack black, armin shimerman, rosearik rikki simons and other celebrity guests aren't in it

good: sequel!!!!!!!1!!!

this review brought to you by psychonauts 2

coming to theaters this summer, owen wilson is bjorn the unicorn in peggle: the movie


just, like, what games are for, man

usually i have a lot more trouble making decisions in games like this!

this game fucking ruled EXCEPT the whole alan wake part. the boss was a super tedious and cheap fight. i went from having 110k source to like 6000. maybe i suck at the game but before and after this i was cutting through Hiss like an angry wizard with a grenade launcher. i wish i knew this was DLC (i hadn't read anything about this game to avoid spoilers) because i wouldn't! have! done it!