33 Reviews liked by Broken_Syndicate

B-Movie horror perfection. It blends horror and comedy so effortlessly that it makes it feel like the entire RE franchise was made for this game. Also, I wish I could fuck Leon.

Oh. That's crack. That's cocaine crack drugs on the Steam top sellers list.

I have 50 hours in Vampire Survivors. I treat it like time machine. I use it to travel 30 minutes forward in time and feel nothing afterwards.


For the love of God, PLEASE make boss introductions skippable when the player is likely to retry the fight over and over again.

white people fucking love heroin lol

a second non-fromsoft soulslike that doesn't play like sludge has hit the building

Felt the ending was underwhelming but most of the game had me engaged. Unique artstyle and mostly great plot. Some skill checks were annoying and the gameplay is not really my type but thoroughly enjoyed it nonetheless.



Once I reached the space stage my PC crashed 3 times in an hour, in what I can only assume was its attempt to wipe my abomination of a creature from existence

I was in fact wrong about the game at first
I thought it was stupid and repetitive but after getting better at it I really like it now
The music, the feel of the game and the story is all also really good
Also I hate the dogs in this game

It may be controversial, but this is the best of the trilogy and has the best bosses of any From Software game.
The fights have just the right speed and the bosses are just perfectly balanced.
What it lacks in level design is compensated in just the best Dark Souls experience.

I feel like if I bought this for 60 dollars I'd be really mad but since I got it for like 8 bucks I think it was fine



Turns out NBA Jam and Oregon Trail go together really well. It's a super out there combination of concepts and ideas, and yet it's all very solid. The gameplay consists of ceremonial rites you perform by dunking an orb into a flame, which is really compelling in a reasonably strategic way as a sports game should, plus the outcomes drive the narrative of the overall journey providing meaningful stakes. It just rules to recruit a crew of outcast ballers, level them up and bring the noise.


The past 12 months have convinced me video games need to stop having writing period. Scrap everything, return to the Magnavox Odyssey and create a divergent timeline where we never learned how to put quips and banter into these. We fucked up big time.