This is my favorite Assassin's Creed game.

I'm just glad a 3D Wario game exists.

It might just be the most consistently perfect 8 hours in a video game. Utterly brilliant and a must play.

It's an awful Zelda game and an even worse StarFox game. The presentation is great, it's a shame Rare couldn't do more on the GameCube. For me they left Nintendo with a bad taste. There is an ungodly amount of backtracking and every task seems more arbitrary for a video game than it should. Stay away unless morbidly curious.

It also has what is perhaps the worst end in-game sequence I can think of.

Right there next to Luigi's mansion for capturing the Halloween vibe. A simple fun early 3D adventure game that I've really come to appreciate.

If the PlayStation network hadn't been hacked and closed for over a month and this game hadn't been given out as an apology for that, I might not be who I am today. I love so much about this game, being my first non-Nintendo endeavor is a big deal and actually realizing the potential of my PS3 from inFAMOUS was truly special.

Lightning in a bottle. Should have been a standalone game.

I won't hear that this isn't the best Uncharted. In the running for the best sequel ever made. The train level alone is mind blowing. A great story with amazing characters and an actual final boss. I consider it among the best on the PlayStation 3, if not my favorite PlayStation game.

Really unique and fun visual novel / puzzle game. They take the story places you wouldn’t expect and it was satisfying to figure out the whole time. OST is full of bangers and the pixel art is awesome. An easy casual recommendation, especially for the Ace Attorney vibes.

I only reccomend this game to hardcore EarthBound fans. It is definitely worth going through. There's a great walkthrough that I used and it is a must.

It was really cool to see and understand music motifs continued into EarthBound as well as the smash references. But it is a grindy NES RPG. But it's cool for that.

My first Pokémon game. It was a lot of flaws, particularly the slow as molasses battles, but the OST for this game goes so hard.

Nostalgia Bias will win on this one.

What an joyful game. I played it in a weekend after just passing a certification exam that I put tens of hours into and this was such an amazing reward.

I knock it for lackluster bosses and it IS on the easier side. But man, the level design is top notch and there's constantly new ideas. I was constantly surprised and smiling throughout. Peak 2D Mario.

As close to perfect as a AAA game can be. Simply an incredible game and wonderful capstone to a legacy franchise for story and gameplay. Dropping Valhalla for free makes this an 11/10. Sony’s best IP for sure. It has everything I love about games.

Hate is a strong word but every level was just awful. The bonus levels are the worst and the only reason I even saw the end was due to anniversary edition. I would never play this with limited lives or continues. It’ll be luck to ever be played again.

EDIT: I had to go back and remove a star because it's worse than Sonic Adventure 2 Battle which is my new definition for a 2/5 game.

Absolutely brilliant. Not a single word of dialogue, just intuitive and satisfying puzzle solving. A comfortable 5 hours and a platinum trophy that you can go back and complete if you miss any well hidden secrets. A masterfully artistic game and easy recommendation.