First played on PS4 for around 80 hours and picked it back up with friends on PC recently. One of the rare more typical 2D fighters that I can play well. Bouncing opponents feels great and there's an awesome variety in this roster.

The in game loot boxes are toxic, hoping the inevitable follow up axes them. They are outdated and unfit for this game.

After finishing SA2:B over months of time I remember to finishing this first game in about a week or so, because I was never as frustrated and actually enjoyed my time. This game is flawed in many ways but something about it makes me remember it fondly. There's a nice sense of progression and world building. Somehow I didn't hate the Big the Cat fishing levels and sorta missed Froggy in the second game.

Maybe this is a newfound opinion people are coming around to, since I always heard it the other way around, but yeah this is the better Sonic Adventure game. The cutscenes weren't as egregious somehow, maybe cause it was the first attempt or I just don't recall them being as jarring. Ending sequence was cooler too.

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Buckle those seatbelts because I have many thoughts. I did not grow up with this game which I feel is what depicts from the lovers and the haters.

This is objectively a bad game, I'm sorry. Or at the very least, a poorly made one. Presentation is terrible, while the graphics are definitely nice for the time the cutscenes are made by devs who don't know how to mix audio. The music is too loud over character voices and they cut each other off before another character is done talking to them. Simply jarring. It's funny for me to imagine a Mario game that is this messy.

The gameplay is frustrating and full of cheap shots. Why does the final level have an entire water section as Knuckles with some of the worst controls and having to chase bubbles that send him straight down into a hazard? Anytime I was playing as Tails or Eggman, I just needed the level to end as fast as possible. Those random car levels were ass too.

That said, I didn't mind most of the search levels from Knuckles and Rouge, aside from the timed level. Sonic's levels were the most fun, but there were some times were progression was cryptic and I had to experiment and inevitably lose a life (this happened with Tails sometimes also). Not enough Shadow levels on the dark side in favor of Eggman.

The story is ridiculous but in a fun way, and the climax was fun also. Live and Learn goes hard no matter what. OST was pretty good all things considered.

Overall, despite all the flaws I would actually reccomend it based on the experience of what this is as a 3D Sonic game, although I really like and prefer the first game by comparison. I think this is better as an eight year old who's into the Chao Garden. Admittingly, I didn't wanna replay the game and get really into it, but I'm sure that adds most of the enjoyment and it's a fun idea I'd like to see brought back in some capacity.

I tried Stardew Valley back in 2017, did not get through spring. Decided it was not for me. My wife got really into it shortly after that and put about 80 hours into it. So I found out there's split screen co-op and years later we decided to give it a try together. I don't see an end in sight now.

Now I've played through my first year, and while I see many more in game years and hours to come, I can say after around 35 hours that this is an incredible game and sits comfortably in the top 25 of all time.

I think it was the co-op aspect that made me love the game. You can break up daily tasks and switch between "chores" to keep things fresh and money rolling in. While the mining is simple, I got really into it. I love that you create your own goals and how layered all the systems are. Not to mention I've listened to this mesmerizing OST countless times since picking it back up.

The only unfortunate part is now actually anticipating Haunted Chocolatier. Godspeed ConcernedApe, a true legend.

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Peak of the series, which I didn't know would happen. Was honestly a more consistently enjoyable experience than Tears of the Kingdom from last year.

They put half of Pikmin 1 as post game content.
It improves on what Pikmin 2's level design does for the better.

One of my favorites and the best in the series. Hopefully we can still see more.

Game is known to get a bad rep, but it has some fun ideas and some really good tracks on the OST. Definitely inessential but fun and a worthy playthrough for those curious. Boss fights also had some highlights. If you like those 2D Nintendo games where most of the fun comes through combing through everything for collectibles (most Good Feel games when I think about it), this is one of those.

I've only played in co-op, but makes me with every other game had the same capability. My wife got into it with me so it gets so many points for that. Really great follow up to the original game's formula. Need to get back to the DLC levels!

I bought a copy off ebay as a kid for around $10, didn't get it. Years later as a cultured gamer I've come around and appreciate how unique and great this series is. The first entry has limited time and getting things done effectively is very satisfying. I'd reset days knowing I could do better. The OST is nostalgic just through Smash Brawl and other greats in the game itself.

I don't think I'd feel the same about this game if I played it on the GameCube without saving after every cave floor. The caves having this integrated makes this my favorite older Pikmin game since it has the wide open world levels while stumbling into dungeons.

Pikmin slaps so hard and this is a great entry.

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Really nice game that is reminiscent of games from 20 years ago in a great way. The end sequence brought this down for me as I had to bring the difficulty down just to beat it, but the music and presentation are the standout here.


The ideas are there but the game is simply underbaked. I think a more modern take could make this interesting, but this a clunky experiment of the time. I'm happy it exists and it just barely overstays its welcome.

Simply charming. My favorite visual novel series and probably my favorite Capcom series now. The OST is timeless and the story and characters are awesome! Play this game if you want to tell people you still read books while also solving puzzles.

Depends entirely on how funny you are as a group of friends. Being able to save recordings to the desktop is pretty sick though. A nice alterative to Lethal Company, although a bit more directionless based on the goonery of the game.

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I see now why people like Sonic games, such a vast improvement over the original game. Just about every level is fun and the bonus levels are actually tolerable! I played as Amy in the Origins edition and got all the Chaos emeralds this time. OST is a banger for sure.

The final boss is one of those rare cases of being so easy it's hard, took me like 7 tries without any rings and felt like an idiot for not hitting the eggbot in the right spot.

At the time of this review, I've not played a lot of classic RPGs. Outside of Pokémon and Persona 5 I haven't rolled credits on anything else like Chrono Trigger.

I actually had a hard time finishing the game towards the end when it opens up from its linear structure (as of now this also when I shelved the original Final Fantasy 7 after leaving Midgar). I eventually used a guide and got the best ending. I'm very reluctant to open a guide and follow along in games as I grow older, perhaps because I don't have the same patience, but I'm happy to say it was worth it to see the side objectives before finishing the game. Only around 20 hours per run is also welcoming, not a lot of grinding from what I remember. Other RPGs wish they had as tight an experience provided by Chrono Trigger.

This game is legendary because of it's characters, time traveling set pieces to fit the narrative, and a legendary OST. I also enjoyed the fresh real time turn based combat as a mechanic. Absolutely an all time classic from the Super Nintendo. My favorite is still Earthbound, but an easy number 2 I'll no doubt revisit.