this game was tailor-made for bisexuals

i dont know how you whitewash wii sports but by god they did it

quite possibly my favorite game of all time
this music sends my soul into the stratosphere
the lore is that good shit that makes me want to collect every log about every item, monster, and person to piece it all together
ridiculously fun with friends, and getting good at this game (E8) makes you better at video games period. real ass masterpiece of a game


the title drop for this made me sob

this game rules, and HAL knocks it out of the park for their first ever time using kirby in 3D, and I hope they keep going because this fucks. My only complaint is how simple some copy abilities have become after being trimmed down for a 3D environment, and some in the late game are just head and shoulders better than the rest that there's no need to use anything else.

this game has given me the most "i'm the greatest player alive/i fucking hate video games" flip-flopping i've ever experienced and i love it for that

i've never been a big resource-management, RPG guy at all, but oh my god this game fucks
every choice the game forced me to make felt gut-wrenching, every person you meet is truly trying to get by in their own way, yet you can't help everyone, and the in-game timers create a remarkable sense of dread as you try to maximize each day.
as you reach the endgame, your resources start to get a little too plentiful, but I know they've added extra content on-par with that amount, so consider this point moot.

a silly, fun platformer as a love letter to those older 3D games
i think the game tries a lot of ideas, and I really respect the ambition, but it makes it a little hard to nail down the identity of this game aside from just saying "platformer", which feels disingenuous to say at times. some people might love how many different styles it tries, some might not. I was ok with it, but did just want a break at times.

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my friends gaslit me into thinking the baby was going to be a miscarriage
the moment of the game proving them wrong felt so amazing, and warmed my heart
making you put her degree under the bed was fucked up in the good, "making you feel" kinda way

i get it, but i dont get it at the same time

Performance on the Switch was shockingly good; stable 30 fps and pop in never became a MASSIVE problem. Aside from that, still a enjoyable game that has cracks wrapped all around it. Soundtrack kicks ass though. its the most 6/10 game i've ever played though, as much as i'd love to listen to my sonic bias

that moment made me ugly sob, all alone, in my room at midnight goddamn