I played this game as Player 2 in a co op playthrough, and I still had a blast. Kirby and the Forgotten Land is so charming, so cute, and so whimsical. It just made me happy overall. If you like Kirby and think he's cute, I would give this one a shot, because for the first time in 3D, Kirby got it right.

Sonic Lost World has a run button in a Sonic game. This makes it so that whenever I want to go fast, I have to hold down the stupid run button. Along with a snorey (a story that makes me snooze) that has puns all over the place (I hate puns) makes it so that I don't WANT to finish the game. However, I did anyways because I was 9 years old.

This games combat rules. It's stylish and looks great. My biggest problem with this game is that I can't save in the middle of levels. That really takes away from the experience, as I don't want to sit down for a whole level sometimes.

Neon White made me feel cooler than I actually am. It takes the mindful concepts that are used by card games and puts it into a fast and charming FPS experience. The dialogue can be corny at times, but that adds to the charm. A heavy recommendation from me.

What an incredible experience. Resident evil 4 is all substance and no fat. There isn’t a single real issue I could find with the game. Everything is executed perfectly.

6/13 EDIT:

I really can't stop thinking about this game, and it really emphasizes the quality of the gam to me. As said before, Resident Evil 4 keeps upping the ante every single time. When I thought the game would stop getting cooler, Leon said another beautfully written one liner. Visually stunning, a well executed flow of resources, while also feeling that you are limited by the world around you and your skill. I love this game.

Pokemon X was the first game I truly fell in love with. From the Pokemon designs, the world to explore, the 3D models, it really was such a stunning experience for myself when I was younger. Looking back at it now, it's still a fun game, but now, there are even better turn based RPGs out there. If you like Pokemon, I would give this game a try

My favorite FPS multiplayer game. This game rules. It's fast, it's stylish, and the feeling of wanting to constantly move is so exhilarating. I love this game. I cannot express enough how much I want a Titanfall 3. Please, give us Titanfall 3.

Tekken 8 is similar to a flying car in that it has the features of something old, with modern convenience and experiential optimizations as something new. I find that Tekken 8 does a killer job at teaching new players the ropes through training mode, with easy-to-understand systems and consistently smooth net code so players of any skill level can jump in and find matches. Tekken 8 is my first Tekken, but it's a game I will be playing for a very long time.

I don't remember much about this game other than the fun platforming, charming level design, and the AMAZING music levels. Those levels really stuck out to me. I give this game an easy recommend.

Conceptually, MultiVersus had everything. The same subgenre as the biggest fighting game ever made, backed by a massive company, recognizable characters, FREE TO PLAY. There is so much happening at once, and it's all good. However, the gameplay of MultiVersus is centered around 2v2, which isn't bad in concept, but really falters the game in execution. Some characters are only designed for 2v2, and the moment you want to play alone, with no cooridnation from a teamate, OR you play with a random online, you are immediately at a disadvantage. Eventually, the flow of content slowed, and the game died. However, they are relaunching the game in 2024, and it could make a comeback. For now however, MultiVersus really didn't work.

Genuinely the second best game I have ever played. As of writing, I am taken aback by how amazingly crafted this game is. If you have played breath of the wild, and you aren’t playing this, you are genuinely doing yourself a disservice. Please, play this game.

The best game of 2022. Fantastic boss fights, world, and graphics. I give it a 10/10 in my book.

When I bought my Switch in 2017, I was expecting to enjoy my time with it. However, Breath of The Wild is seriously something else. From collectables, to challenges, to puzzles, to the combat. The thrill of this game comes from feeling like the world is massive, which to be fair, it is. If your'e buying a Switch and NOT buying this game, you seriously are missing out.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake was a game that I played at Pax East in 2020, and really loved the demo of. The demo was visually impressive, and the boss fight felt extremely fresh.

Skip to a month later, and I find myself in a situation where I am stuck. 5 hours in, and the combat is the most grueling experience I have ever had in an action game. Honestly, it's some of the worst I have played. The experience of the combat can be described as punching enough times, to then unlock the ability to kick. The ATB system where you stop time to do spells, use items, and other actions that aren't pressing the square button is cool in concept. In reality, it feels so annoying when you have to use a bar which could be used for an attack, to heal yourself. Healing items should have costed half a bar, but using a full bar makes it so the fights take longer and thats where we get to another issue I had. The main combat mechanics are so boring its wild. Cloud has 2 buttons, sword, and harder hitting but slower sword. Barret has 2 buttons, gun, and big gun blast. Tifa has 2 buttons, punch, and big punch. Seeing a pattern? The main combat mechanics are the exact same combos over and over and over again, which after 5 hours, make the game feel really repetetive. I understand that there are special moves you can use which use ATB, but they don't feel satisfying to use in a combo because you stop time, and scroll through a menu. I know there is a shortcuts option, but it still didn't feel satisfying to hit these attacks.

And then there's the story, which to me, was very boring. I didn't care about the characters by the ending of the game really at all, which makes me sad, because the story of Final Fantasy 7 is so acclaimed.

My final complaint has to be the level deisgn. Oh boy, it sucks. Hallway after hallway after puzzle after puzzle after "platforming". It really feels so repetetive and sluggish to play.

I really wish I just played the original game, because this game is one of my least favorites that I have ever played.

What a masterpiece.

For a bit of context, I have known the story of Persona 3 for many years now. I knew how it started and ended, but never anything about the middle or specifics of events. After finishing Persona 3 Reload, I can say without a doubt that this is a stellar example of the highs that the Persona series can bring. With its revitalized gameplay, gripping story, and a knockout ending that had me ugly crying at 3 in the morning, Persona 3 Reload is something special that stands aside the masterpiece Persona 5 Royal.

If you are interested in Persona, please play this game. It's stellar.