The Binding of Isaac : Rebirth/Repentance (including the DLCs too) is the best Rogue-Like Game out there, and there’s yet a game that is able to surpass it right now. It has beaten every other Rougue-Like game is every possible way, whether it’s from playable character, gameplay, bosses, ost, level design, community and the long list of items.

Playable Characters:

There are 17 normal playable characters and all of them have their own twist, whether if it’s from items they spawn with, or have different stats, others have some disadvantages like Blue Baby and Jacob&Esau. Some characters you try to make sure your red heart is at half heart; because it’ll give you a stat boost. Others make it you can’t get blue/black heart, overall, I see that the normal characters are mostly nice and easy to play with, now for the Tainted versions of the normal characters. The Tainted versions of the normal characters change the gameplay 180 degree, they add new gameplay mechanics and challenges, and sometimes make playing with them more fun than the normal version. A big example is Tainted Keeper, everyone loves playing with him and sometimes people would just play him only, another example of fun is Tainted Bethany, her item now gives you orbital items and can work as a defense just like the normal version, but here it gives you random orbital and that orbital gives you the effect of a random item from the game, it is really fun to play with. Tainted Jacob is more fun to play too! If you want a character that changes how to play the game, then Tainted Cain is for you. To get items now you need to craft them yourself and just keep on a list of how to craft the items you want and craft guide. Trust me when I say that the normal characters that are boring to play with / slow to play with, their Tainted version is more fun and better, except for Blue Baby screw him.

Level Bosses:

There are over 80 non ending bosses (normal level bosses) in The Binding of Isaac : Repentance, some of them spawn on most of the levels/chapters, and others spawn in only a specific chapter like the alternative path bosses (DLC paths: Downpour and the Mine). Each boss has his variant example the same boss you saw one playthrough ago can spawn differently whether his color changed and his attacks either gotten faster or slower, depending on what change has gotten to the boss, or even the boss splits onto two mini variants of him and his heal will be shared 50/50 to both of them, he can even have new attacks. Edmund knew what he was doing when he designed the level/chapter bosses. By the way some bosses like the Poop bosses can be one shotted by using an item that flushes them like a toilet lol, or they can even be one shotted with a card. It’s a nice detail to have.

Ending/Marked Bosses:

There are over 10 bosses that marks your paper/plan on the menu for each playable character! And my god I really love them all, except for Delirium (fuck him) every ending boss has his own fighting pattern and they’re very good! My favorite by far is Dogma, man I love him so much from the design, the fight, and the OST. Not to forget the rest of the bosses you can fight Satan, Mega Satan, Delirium, Isaac, Hush, ect. And their OST oh my god they’re very good! Their design is also good.


The OST is so good in this game, and if you get tired of it there’s also OST mods from the creators of Repentance! I’ll say it again the OST is very good. There’s nothing to add up.


This game has lots of Mods, whether they’re OST mods, Playable characters mod, retexture sprites/stuff, and even making it a whole new game. The mods in this game are incredible! There AntiBirth OST mod and man I really love it!
There are Daily challenge runs that can be played by turning off all of your mods, it’s a nice way to see how good you are and how fast you can finish the challenge against other players.
There’s also an Online mod feature that as of writing right now the feature has been disabled and yet to fully release, but I trust Edmund and his team to release it perfectly!


There are over 500 items in this game and all of them make a change to your build/run. An item can decide the fate of your run and how you play, an item can make you play carelessly (can literally one shot all bosses), other item would make you change your play to be strategic and try to take the least damage as much as possible. Some items work as trinkets or cards/pills that can be used any time in the run or can be replaced with some other items.
There are also transformations from having 3 specific items, there are more than 3 transformations on the game one of the popular transformations is “Guppy” it makes you get flies and fly over blocks and spikes, and it’s really useful. Something very important to mention.

The Binding of Isaac: Repentance is literally the best Rougue-Like out there, and it has the best replayability out there! I recommend it to everyone who wants an addicting game and actually fun to play!


This game sucks.

Compared to Crusader or the original Stronghold. This one is just pure trash.

Playing this game is not fun at all.

Gameplay wise is just same as the original and nothing different, however they've added some horrendous mechanics to this game. Notably: Crimes, cleaning and other stuff that you need to focus on while playing because it'll effect your popularity A LOT. They could've made the game more simpler like other games from the series, but no. They made it stupid and a hassle to do them.

OSTs, some good some bad. that's it.

Campaign is good, and little funny... But not as fun as the original Stronghold.

Levels/Stages, They're good, that's all I can say.

Sadly this game is just very boring to play. It felt like I'm forcing myself playing this so I could finish it and just uninstall it (which I did). Go play Stronghold DE or Crusader.

If you genuinely think this game is better than ARK, then you're an idiot.

Sekiro is the best souls game out there, without any doubt. Just from the addicting gameplay and bosses makes the player hooked to this game, and want to just repeatedly play it because of how good this game was made.

[Gameplay + ]
Gameplay is very satisfying in this game.
Unlike other Fromsoft Souls games, where you use “Souls” to improve your character, which takes no skill to do. In Sekiro it’s all different. You need to be skilled so you can upgrade your character’s attack power, or Vitality. The only way you can upgrade your character is by defeating bosses and by doing so you’ll obtain their “memory”. Having their “memories” not only would make you able to upgrade attack power or vitality, you can also fight the bosses again. That’s something is very useful for people who’re trying to no-hit, or just want to get good in the game. It also can be used to find ways to beat the bosses, for example Genichiro’s “Leaping Slam” attack can be deflected and then he immediately attacks you, but you can actually just step dodge it and go attack him. Thing like these help the players in NG+ to be able to find new strategies to fight the bosses.

Other Souls games you use shield to parry enemy’s attacks, but most of the time you’re not going to use it because it’s very useless in fighting bosses who are not huge/use big weapons that are impossible to parry with shield. In Sekiro, however you are able to deflect/parry/perfect guard the enemy’s attacks (call it whatever you want), you also are able to deflect laser beams… It’s very satisfying to just trade attacks and deflects against the bosses. In this game there’s no “Oh I can get more hit”, you can’t be greedy against bosses because they too will deflect your attacks, meaning it’s going to be their turns to be on attack and you have to deflect them. So, you can’t just focus on attacking or guarding most of the time, the game forces you to do both every time. Which is something that I hated in previous Souls games, that was fixed in Sekiro and able to use the knowledge you gained against bosses/enemies.

There are prosthetic arms that can be used against bosses/enemies. Using them makes the fighting easier, or you can find really addicting combos to use. Like using the spear or the firecracker. Some are useful to no hit certain enemies like Mist Raven’s Feathers arm, that’s used to deflect lightning attacks without taking damage. There are also special Arts that can be equipped and used, fun to use too.
Just listening to the sounds of swords clashing on each other is so good. That it literally feels music to anyone’s ears. 10/10
Overall very fun addition to the game, that’s very useful against many bosses.

[Bosses +/- ]
Oh where do I start? The way the bosses were designed, there attacks, how fun they are to be fought against. They’re so addictive. Literally every boss is different from each other. Genichiro and Isshin are my favorites. Not to forget their inner boss versions where they become harder and more addictive to fight! My god how good these bosses were made and fighting against them cannot give me any slight of boredom. There’s nothing I can add to this. Most of the bosses are splendid and were very good made.
Except for one trash boss, oh boy do you like gimmic bosses? No? well have fun trying to kill 4 stupid monkeys and trying to catch them in your first playthrough of the damn game. Just why did they even add those damn monkeys?? They’re the worst.

Other than that, bosses are good.

[Areas +]
Just reaching certain spots in the game, makes you take a short break and meditate to the view, or the sounds that you hear, either being ambient sounds or the sounds of bells ringing or very soft and relaxing OSTs. It felt very good reaching these kind of spots in the game and relax in my first playthrough of it. Over all very good.

[Lore -/+]
For the first tine in Fromsoft’s history. They have managed to make a story that people can understand without the need of watching a youtube video. Thank you Fromsoft.
But it's not good. really it is not.

[Mini bosses - ]
Trash, all of them. I do not care what anyone says. First playthrough the mini bosses were decent, but the rest of the time they’re just a waste of time to go against. Especially those damn Headless idiots. I do not understand why they had to put 4-5 of these damn idiots.
The only good mini bosses were: Snake Eyes Shirahagi and O’Rin of The Water. That’s it.

[OSTs - ]
They're okay. But sadly they're not as the same level as Dark Souls 3 OSTs. Just comparing both games is very wrong, because Fromsoft threw the OSTs to be a japanese themed. Which is sadly makes it not a memorable game or good to listen to. That's what I feel from my experience.

[Stealth - ]
Oh boy. Stealth in this game is probably one of the worst things I’ve ever seen in my entire life… Someone from far away can spot you, while someone who’s close to you cannot even see you. What in the world is this Stealth system? Not to mention that you can literally just kill all enemies by just stealth killing one guy, then run and the rest of the troops forget you, and go stealth kill a second person and then repeat. It’s very boring. So damn lazy.

Sekiro as a game is gorgeous and fantastic, if it weren't from some of the stuff that's in it. I could've said it was THE PERFECT game (just like Lies of P), but sadly there are downsides to the game. Luckily they can be ignored and focus on the main stuff that are fun.


I played this game 4 times, 2 times on switch and 2 times on PC (playing it for 5th time on PC as of writing this). I can say for sure that this game is the best Persona game ever.

I loved everything about the game. OSTs, Story, Characters, Gameplay, Social Links and even the visuals.

[OSTs +]
I love that they made this game's theme be a Jazz, cozy/relaxing/chill and Pop themed. I have always loved these type of music / songs; it just makes my mood turn from a bad to good. I always listen to P5 and P5R's theme. My favorites and probably the most notable are: "Beneath the Mask (all versions), Ideal and Real (all versions) and Our Beginning. You can even get costume fighting music, by changing your costume too. Compared to P4, the OSTs don't get annoying, if anything I just turn off the Music most of my playthrough on P4 especially on Dungeons; It is very bad compared to P5. P3 was good unlike P4.

[Story & Characters +] (spoiler)
Some people would say that the story is just about Teens who hate adults and sending agendas to the players, for me I disagree. The story of P5 is centered on the experience these teenagers had with the adults, the protag's parents dumped him and did not believe him, now he only has Sojiro to trust and other few adults. Ryuji the experience he had with his dad and Kamoshida and other characters who had it bad.

Characters's story, backgrounds and social links were never boring to me, and it never got irritating to talk to them or hangout with anyone! compared to p4 and p3 social links were an utter garbage with all meaning (p4 had few good social links, mainly your teammates, but the rest are very bad). All of them are interesting on their own.

[Gameplay +]
It's really fun, no matter how many times I play this game. I never got tired of the gameplay. They added showtime and also made "All-Out-Attack" useful rather than it dealing low damage. Farming EXP and money is very easy if you know how to properly fight shadows on mementos faster. Also you can get the confidant rank that makes you just kill the shadows instantly without even the need of fighting, making it easier and more efficient for farming. They added "Show-Time" attack, you don't need to put both partners on the party, you just need one of them, making it easier to strategize and dealing with enemies faster.
While just wondering on Mementos you can see your party member chatting which is really nice.

[Visuals & Places+]
Nice visuals even though I sometimes get drop frames when there are lots of NPCs around in an area, but overall it's good. In rains the graphics is top tear for me, and I just love to wonder around the city with it.
Compared to P4 and P3. P5 is taken on Shibuya which has lots of life in it. in P3 areas were very soulless, but in Reload they fixed it, but it still wasn't as lively as it is in P5, P4 on the other hand takes place in the country part, so it's understandable that it's not that lively (even thought you can't even talk to any of them other than them telling you stuff". The way made all of P5 areas are very good. Palaces are very good built too.

Persona 5 Royal is the best Persona game. Yes, I said it again I know, but it's something lots of people don't realize... I see lots of people saying P3Reload is better than P5Royal for the stupidest reasons, and when it comes to comparing both as WHOLE GAME (and not just story or tiny parts ALL OF IT) P5R always win. P4G is also a very bad Persona remake/expansion... in P5R you are forced to interact with Yoshizawa! But in P4G you have to do it all by yourself. It's so damn lazy P4G's devs I don't care what anyone say.

Rant: Yosuke (p4) is always the best buddy in all of Persona games, then comes Ryuji and finally below trash comes Junpei.

All P5/P5R's OSTs are better than all of the rest games.
Social Links are better in P5R.
Story, writing and character are better in P5R.
P4 had a good story, but the filler events ruined it.
P3 had a shit story, shit characters, shit at everything.
P3's Protag is just a depressed anime femboy, I don't understand why people like him.


Sadly it's not for me.

Level Designs are rated between decent to very good.
OST is nice.
Visuals and all are decent and you can change the way the graphics look.

Secrets placement sometimes can be very obvious and other times I just don't know how am I even supposed to figure them out?
Bosses are below trash.
I just sometimes tell myself while playing this game "why did I even buy this?" I didn't enjoy it, compared to other work from the studio like Ultrakill, Dusk just isn't good for me...

Reason why I'm not giving it a 5/5 is because of Summer. If they made a rework update on that shit and make it more enjoyable to play on it, then it deserves a full 5 stars rating. Until then it's going to have 4.5/5.

Good thing you can remove it from your world and can play without it.

Honestly, just play this and don't play Persona 3 and 4.

Compared to the first Crusader game, this one pales a lot to how the first one was.

Compared to trash4golden, Reload is not as bad as p3 was.

They made areas in the game more lively and have soul, not like how it used to be soulless in the original p3. [+]

Graphics and Visuals are amazing and are probably better than P5's graphics and visuals! Some don't see any difference which is surprising for me... I just sometimes idle in the game to see the visuals. [+]

Voice acting changed, some good and some are bad... Joker is in it so decent Voice actors. [+/-]

Ost in this game are very good, but some get annoying to listen to... I prefer P5's basically good old pop,jazz,acid jazz or whatever you call it [+/-]

Gameplay as a whole is now more fun than P5. [+]

Story,characters,plots and ending are the same... Meaning it is utter garbage. [-] fuck this game's story and characters.

overall doesn't deserve 70$ for this shit.

Unlike the original game (I wanna be the guy) which was an interesting idea, but the game itself was trash. Followed by Geezer's fangame (I wanna kill the guy) which was a semi decent game...But still wasn't decent nor good. Now we get to Geezer's new fangame... "Not Another Needle Game". This game is 10x better than all of "I wanna be the guy" and it's fan games.

OSTS [+/-]

I never get tired listening to this game's OSTs no matter how much I fail the level/get stuck in it. I love it and works perfectly with how the game's chapters... I need to mention that the OSTs that are in the game are not made/owned by Geezer, he only found them on Soundcloud/Youtube/Newgrounds and added them to the game. Him not making the OSTs as itself is a negativity, so yeah.

Chapters and Levels (and secrets)

All Chapters have their own twists and tricks. A level can be normal, while other one uses a teleporter, other uses a speedbelt it can either slow you down, or make you faster. Overall they're all very good designed. There are over 5 chapters/stages call it what you want, and all of them have secret levels, the secret levels themselves have their own twist and direction... Overall very good

Visuals [+]

Compared to other Geezer's works and the original game, this game's visuals are 10x better for the human eyes. That's it.

I recommend people to play this game and just quit the series to be honest. Geezer teased on his twitter that he was working on NANG2, but we all know he isn't gonna finish it...

I understand that this game is an early access, and. I also understand that the core mechanic for the game is to have fun with your friends, but when I've seen the new "Major Update" on steam (Version 50).

That update being a "Major update" is a fucking scam, like couldn't you even work harder to get us a prober update? I understand that they added new things, but they're less than what I expected.

Sadly the game gets boring, and it's better to find a game that you and your friends can actually play on it and have more fun time on it...

Comparing this game to Persona 5 or Persona 5 Royal is a fucking crime. as a whole the game is bad LMAO, Persona 3 Reload which is a mid persona remake to be honest is way better.

The fact that some scenes use the same ost from other events/part of the game is so lazy, when Nanako in the hospital rather than playing a new sad ost, it just plays an ost that was played before... I laughed so hard when I heard the ost in that fucking scene, a scene that was supposed to be heartbreaking turned into pure comedy LOL.

Game's 50% JRPG and 50%Life Sim... as a whole it's not a bad thing, but...The Social links fucking sucks. There are several Social Links where they're just there to fucking mess with you and make you want to punch them in the face, and don't make me forget how dumb they are. It's so depressing how this game fails to even do such simple things.

The UI is just P3's UI but yellow... I played this shit on hard and had to just pray on the fucking RNG system this game have, and hopefully that all my teammates die excpet for me so I can continue the fucking fight. No matter how strategic you are or how many times you fucking guard yourself, they'll just nuke you and die...

Let's not forget how to get info on Rise, so you can give them to the dumb photographer... Spoiler alert you'll probably spend 1 whole fucking hour searching for that one fan of her... the game is dogshit by all meaning.

[Golden part]
They added Marrie to the game just like how they added Sumi on Persona 5 Royal...But the difference between those two expansions that in Royal you are forced to spend some time with Sumi, but in Golden oh boy you they don't force you to fucking talk to her or anything, you just have to do it yourself ffs. She doesn't appear in any of the fillers in the game (Beach filler and other events) not in any of them, and the characters just get sad and feel pity for her even thought they don't fucking know/spend any time with her...


Adachi is a funny villain, his dungeon is the best in the whole game, I like him and his reason. I love that he was referenced in Persona 5 too, but... He's a dumb fucking villain at the same time LOL.

I loved that they focused about the comedy in this game more than being serious, and it actually works good. Even though they go to the beach and other events while trying to investigate the case... Meh I still see it a positive note for the game rather than it being all serious.

The main crew are nice and love them, especially Yosuke and Kanji they are the best buds. and fuck Rise dumb ahh whore.

Some Social links like Dojima's Nanakos are very good and fun to level them up and spend time with them...

The game was obviously rushed... and sadly it isn't in my top 5 of Shin Megami Tensei games... Maybe if it had a prober remake it can be good? But better than Persona 5 Royal? hell no. Right now Persona 5 Royal is the only best game to be honest, comparing everything from Royal to 3Reload or 4Golden pales alot, yes 3's remake is decent but still has some of the issues from the original game like the story and other stuff like dumb characters...

I don't really like Puzzle games, the only puzzle game that I enjoyed playing was Portal 2. I knew about Machinarium for a long time, but didn't really play it I only loved to just listen to the ost. Now I can say that Machinarium is one of the best puzzle games with Portal 2!

The OST is very good, level/map design is also decent. The way that the puzzle work is interesting and fun to figure out how to solve them. It sometimes can be tedious and irritating, but that's just like 1-2 times I have experienced that. The "Lore" if you'd call it that is funny and I laugh whenever I remember the Robot's flashbacks with the other Robots.
There's mini games too. the most notable and rememberable for me is the Connect game with that fucking robot I pray for his downfall every time I remember him. THE MF NEVER TOUCHES GRASS ONLY TRYHARDING ON CONNECT FFS.

I recommend to play it with a friend (stream it on discord or invite them to watch on Steam) and try to solve them together, you'll have so much fun.

Fun game, I recommend it even if you were not in the point and click puzzle solving games. Trust me I too don't love them, but this game is an exception!