Actually kinda insane how much of an improvement over the original this is

Mostly a "shut your brain off and focus on this one thing" kind of game, and it's enjoyable enough for being that but it's nothing too serious

Fun little way to celebrate the game's anniversary and pretty impressive who what is seemingly a week long game jam projected, tho I can't say there isn't a good amount of jank which probably came as a result of that, mostly in the camera and the climbing but hey it's still pretty fun and a nice surprise.

The trans people can't really double jump in this one tho :(

I would do anything for Oatch

Holy shit a pikmin game with actually good controls??

You are sent by a company to investigate randomly generated structures in search of treasures while avoiding giant and extremely hostile creatures all under a tight time limit

But enough about Pikmin 2

I didn't do the postgame stuff because Louie deserves to be left abandoned on a random planet

My fucking god! These bitches gay! Good for them! Good for them.

When I played this as a kid I'd often wait impatiently for my mom to get home from work just so she could activate the infinite money cheat so I could keep buying more stuff

I respect this game for starting the series but man is it janky and broken as shit

The letter/number input system is one of the most frustrating yet hilarious things I've ever seen in a game