Favorite Games Thematically (Unranked)

My favorite games from a thematic standpoint. I study philosophy so I'm obviously very biased when it comes to the games I prefer.

Xenosaga Episode III: Also sprach Zarathustra
Xenosaga Episode III: Also sprach Zarathustra
Metal Gear Solid
Metal Gear Solid
Playing the MSX games is so core to understanding what makes MGS so special. Viewing it as a midpoint as opposed to an intro really changes our understanding of Snake's journey, and it enhances this game so, so much.
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers
Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers
Dark Souls
Dark Souls
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
After studying Buddhist philosophy, reading Dharma transmission, Nagarjuna, and Keiji NIshitani, I think I finally get it.
Umineko no Naku Koro ni
Umineko no Naku Koro ni
Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy X
Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth
Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth
I wish a lot of it was less subtextual because I think it really hurts the frontloaded narrative a lot of the time, especially towards the end, but goddamn I think it's a perfect culmination of the series' ideas the more I reflect on it.


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