Gets too much hate, while I do think a lot of the criticism for this game is fair, especially when it comes to some of the annoying mechanics and boss design being disappointing, this was the most fun I've had exploring the world in a FromSoft game besides Elden Ring. The DLC's improve upon the base game quite a bit, with some of the bosses there being genuinely great.

With all of its flaws, Yakuza 4 is still so great. So many likeable characters. The final boss kinda sucks and there are some dumb writing decisions they've made but the good in this game heavily outweighs the bad.

Judgment is special to me. Probably the best story RGG has written. Every character is so likeable and their interactions feel very genuine. Combine this with the fun gameplay alongside a gripping plot and it's such a good experience. Can't recommend it enough.

Might be some of the most fun I've had playing a game ever. This was my introduction to the series and while I did have some rough times at the start, as you learn, it all becomes incredibly rewarding. And GET THE DLC!!! Iceborne makes everything about the late to end-game so much better.

Very good. Combat is probably the best we've had for Kiryu and the Agent style is super fun to use. Great story as well with such an impactful ending. Sets the stage for the next game perfectly.

Zombies is super fun with friends. Main campaign is interesting at first but falls so flat near the end that I couldn't even finish it.

I love Yakuza 5. Such a grand feeling story and while the unnecessary length can hurt the pacing of the game sometimes, it just has too many amazing moments. Shinada's section is incredible.

Lot of hit or miss with this game. Combat never stops being fun with Yakuza but I didn't enjoy the story too much. The villains are boring except for one of them and the way some of the characters behave makes the game feel disconnected from the rest of the series. Still recommend playing but it wasn't my favorite.

Highly advise anybody to play this AFTER RDR2, adds so much depth to the story and its characters. Still an amazing experience on its own, and I found this game's ending to be even more emotional than RDR2's. Some sections can drag a bit, and the gameplay isn't the best. But these flaws don't really take away from how enjoyable it is. A must play just like the sequel.

The best entry point for the Yakuza series and one of RGG's best titles. Yakuza 0 just has so many great moments and it's popular for a reason.

Amazing. Satisfying combat, incredible bosses and gorgeous looking map design all comes together in an incredible game. Even with its difficulty spike I would highly recommend this game to everyone who is willing to push through it.

It's a classic for a reason, even with dated gameplay the story and characters make this game very worth it.

The most ambitious RGG title so far and it does a lot of things right. Kiryu's journey is very emotional, Ichiban is great as always and with the improved gameplay and amazing soundtrack, this game is special. Fumbles with the writing sometimes but even with its flaws this is a wonderful game.

Pretty good. As much as I love seeing Kiryu happy the first part of the story definitely drags quite a bit. The latter half just jumps straight into the action though so the pacing is not too great either. Still recommend playing because this game is very important to Kiryu's character going forward.

So fun. With all the different approaches this game provides when it comes to stealth, experimenting and messing around with flashy takedowns is very enjoyable. The chaos system does suck, because unless you don't care about the flow of the story, the game pretty much incentivizes you to do almost everything non-lethally. Even with its faults, I'd still recommend it to anyone.