Oh man. This is a wonderful journey. Beautiful story and an elevated horror element compared to the first game makes it a huge improvement for me, in almost every aspect. The mystery elements are done super well, and this game looks so unique graphically. Might be one of the best looking games I've ever played. Can't recommend enough, although I advise you to play the first game before you get into this one.

It's not nearly as bad as some people say, and even with the gunplay not feeling like Bioshock at all I still had lots of fun. My main gripe is how hard the story tries to sound smart and in the end it's all a convoluted mess.

Lots of fun. Story is this game's strong suit and it absolutely delivers although the gameplay is also quite serviceable. Near the end it does start getting somewhat stale however the story makes it all worth it for me. 100% recommend playing considering how essential this game is if you want to play the sequel. (Which is way better in my opinion.)

Oh man, what an incredible game. Arkham City delivers on almost everything. From the super fun gameplay to the surprisingly interesting story and characters, this is an unforgettable one. There's a reason why it's usually said to be one of the greatest superhero games ever, and it absolutely deserves that title. While I do think it is "objectively" the best Arkham game, it's not my personal favorite. However it is still a must play and I imagine those who don't care much for DC or Batman will still enjoy this thoroughly.

Gets a lot of hate, but I loved my time with this game. The bossfights are some of the best in the series, and Roger Craig Smith works surprisingly well for a young Batman. The setting and side content lacks a bit, but it's still a great game overall.

I. LOVE. This. Game. Yeah sure, they overuse the batmobile in a bunch of encounters, bossfights are pretty forgettable, and sometimes the story can fumble slightly... But all of that is overshadowed by how Fucking Awesome the gameplay is. I am not exaggerating when I say this is the greatest stealth in a video game PERIOD. The skill ceiling is absurdly high for a PvE game, and it even provides you a "sandbox" of sorts called AR Challenges. It's basically endless fun, as you control what feels like the best videogame rendition of The Batman. Jumping from one enemy to another as you punch them, disarm them and do special takedowns all under a few seconds is just so satisfying, even moreso in this game compared to the rest of the Arkham series. I have nearly 100 hours in this game, and I could easily spend a hundred more. And I haven't even mentioned how fucking good this game looks. Gotham looks absolutely gorgeous, with such a musty feeling atmosphere that I think fits perfectly for a city that's supposed to be constantly overrun with crime. Can't recommend this enough, it's my favorite installment of the Arkham franchise, and one of my favorite games of all time.

Lost Judgment is peak RGG for me. The combat is by far the best in the series, the side content is all good fun, and some of the characters are downright amazing. Story does have minor flaws but it didn't bother me too much considering how well written the villains were. This game tries a lot of different things and I love all of it. Man, that ending hits hard.

While a lot of people think this game doesnt deliver as well on the story as the original, I think the generally improved gameplay makes up for it. It's still Bioshock, with the amazing setting and great atmosphere. Recommend this to anyone who has played the first one.

While the Arkham games all have a special place in my heart, Arkham Asylum, for me, is the least impressive of the 4. Not by any means a bad game, but the overly simple combat mechanics and the occasional lackluster story beats definitely bring it down a bit. With that said, it's still an awesome game with great stealth play and an amazing atmosphere (Which, if you ask me is its strong suit.) Definitely recommend, although it could be a bit harder to get through compared to Arkham City and Arkham Knight. Also Mark Hamill's Joker is incredible as always.

Bioshock does so many things well. Atmosphere, environments, story, the main villain and unique gameplay stand out for sure. While I enjoy the style of gunplay this game has, it does have some annoying quirks here and there. I'm just not a fan of the overall clunkiness and having your guns and plasmids combined into one slot. With it being what it is, I still love Bioshock and would recommend it to anyone.

It's alright. Story is not as good as some of the other games in the series but it's still Yakuza so I had a fun time for the most part. The enemy AI can be pretty annoying too. As a remake it works I guess but it's the lowpoint of the franchise for me.

The infamous "green filter" doesn't bother me. It's a fun game and an okay remake. Story gets a bit bullshit near the end but Ryuji kinda carries the whole thing anyway. Graphically is a huge improvement from Kiwami 1 thanks to the new engine.

Pretty good. As much as I love seeing Kiryu happy the first part of the story definitely drags quite a bit. The latter half just jumps straight into the action though so the pacing is not too great either. Still recommend playing because this game is very important to Kiryu's character going forward.

So fun. With all the different approaches this game provides when it comes to stealth, experimenting and messing around with flashy takedowns is very enjoyable. The chaos system does suck, because unless you don't care about the flow of the story, the game pretty much incentivizes you to do almost everything non-lethally. Even with its faults, I'd still recommend it to anyone.

The best story I've experienced in a video game. So many other things I could say here but Just play the game man. You won't regret it trust me.