I think everyone needs someone like Ichiban in their life.

Lost Judgment is peak RGG for me. The combat is by far the best in the series, the side content is all good fun, and some of the characters are downright amazing. Story does have minor flaws but it didn't bother me too much considering how well written the villains were. This game tries a lot of different things and I love all of it. Man, that ending hits hard.

My favorite Soulsborne game. Spectacular bosses with great level design. Without the DLCs I'd probably give it 4 stars at most but Ringed City and Ashes of Ariendel elevate it to being probably my favorite game of all time

What can be said about this game that hasn't been said? It's a masterpiece, and in my opinion the easiest way to get into the FromSoftware franchise.

I'm a fan of FromSoft's games, and I can see why some people are very fond of the first entry, but this is my least favorite of them all. Clunky combat with mediocre bosses kinda bring it down for me. The overall lore and level design are excellent though

The best story I've experienced in a video game. So many other things I could say here but Just play the game man. You won't regret it trust me.

I. LOVE. This. Game. Yeah sure, they overuse the batmobile in a bunch of encounters, bossfights are pretty forgettable, and sometimes the story can fumble slightly... But all of that is overshadowed by how Fucking Awesome the gameplay is. I am not exaggerating when I say this is the greatest stealth in a video game PERIOD. The skill ceiling is absurdly high for a PvE game, and it even provides you a "sandbox" of sorts called AR Challenges. It's basically endless fun, as you control what feels like the best videogame rendition of The Batman. Jumping from one enemy to another as you punch them, disarm them and do special takedowns all under a few seconds is just so satisfying, even moreso in this game compared to the rest of the Arkham series. I have nearly 100 hours in this game, and I could easily spend a hundred more. And I haven't even mentioned how fucking good this game looks. Gotham looks absolutely gorgeous, with such a musty feeling atmosphere that I think fits perfectly for a city that's supposed to be constantly overrun with crime. Can't recommend this enough, it's my favorite installment of the Arkham franchise, and one of my favorite games of all time.

Zombies is super fun with friends. Main campaign is interesting at first but falls so flat near the end that I couldn't even finish it.

Highly advise anybody to play this AFTER RDR2, adds so much depth to the story and its characters. Still an amazing experience on its own, and I found this game's ending to be even more emotional than RDR2's. Some sections can drag a bit, and the gameplay isn't the best. But these flaws don't really take away from how enjoyable it is. A must play just like the sequel.

The best entry point for the Yakuza series and one of RGG's best titles. Yakuza 0 just has so many great moments and it's popular for a reason.

With all of its flaws, Yakuza 4 is still so great. So many likeable characters. The final boss kinda sucks and there are some dumb writing decisions they've made but the good in this game heavily outweighs the bad.

I love Yakuza 5. Such a grand feeling story and while the unnecessary length can hurt the pacing of the game sometimes, it just has too many amazing moments. Shinada's section is incredible.

Lot of hit or miss with this game. Combat never stops being fun with Yakuza but I didn't enjoy the story too much. The villains are boring except for one of them and the way some of the characters behave makes the game feel disconnected from the rest of the series. Still recommend playing but it wasn't my favorite.

Judgment is special to me. Probably the best story RGG has written. Every character is so likeable and their interactions feel very genuine. Combine this with the fun gameplay alongside a gripping plot and it's such a good experience. Can't recommend it enough.

Might be some of the most fun I've had playing a game ever. This was my introduction to the series and while I did have some rough times at the start, as you learn, it all becomes incredibly rewarding. And GET THE DLC!!! Iceborne makes everything about the late to end-game so much better.