It is humanity's greatest moral imperative to grow mullets and kill billionaires.

I don't know why but this game just felt absolutely awful to me.

I played this game with my dear friend Snigglegros. Check out their review!

My curiosity was rewarded with video of Frank Welker making monkey noises.

Nobody can walk that fast my ass.

I cannot overstate how happy fan games make me especially when they are realized as well as this. Truly something that can only be made out of joy.

My first VR game, this shit can make the most nothing pipe puzzles bring childlike wonder to me.

I was giggling the entire time I played this. This entire game is played with an entirely straight face and I fucking love it. It's also just a very well put together rpg horror maker game. An amazing amount of effort was put into this and there are at least two dozen full art scenes of Mario/Luigi getting realistically strangled. Wahoo!

This game HAD to interrupt my decorating to be scary.

To quote my famous Koi DX review "Fish game Fish game it's got a fish in it"

Never did I feel more like a real boy.

Neat, I don't want to play it anymore.

I'm gonna wait until modders make the game bearable

This game is hot garbage but I am fascinated by the type of garbage it is.

I was blindsided by actually liking this game