It is wrong to say it's a lesser version of Rondo of Blood, while they are meant to be the same events, they are clearly very different games. What's not wrong is to say this game sucks.
The levels are frustating, with a lot of them being to corridors with enemies on the top who CAN attack you while you cannot. The screens barely flow into one another making it feel like you just teleported places. On the topic of screens, a few of them are lifted from older Castlevania titles and end up being ust worst version of those screens.
Richter controls terrible, he feels slow and heavy, and has really short invincibility frames, making it that you could get stun locked by some enemies.
On the topic of enemies, it has the worst Dracula fight of the Castlevanias i've played, just a bore.
With all that you could wonder why i didn't score the game lower? At the end of the day is still a Castlevania game, and has its good parts, when not being an extremely frustating game i had fun with it, as some parts of it display effort and competence, it's just a shame those parts are not that many.

Aunque es básicamente una demo de lo que seria Phantom Pain, el diseño del nivel es excelente, con varias misiones que aprovechan las opciones que ofrece el mapa.
Al ser un juego mas reducido y entendiendo lo que ofrece, este terminó siendo un mejor juego que su contraparte, ambos comparten el mismo gameplay, que es fantástico, quizás el mejor de la saga, pero en Ground Zeroes este se aprecia mucho mas debido a el anteriormente mencionado diseño de nivel.
Si el juego hubiera salido originalmente a un precio mas reducido quizás habría sido mejor recibido, pero el día de hoy el juego es tan barato que definitivamente vale su precio.

Aunque no es el mejor de la saga Metal Gear y tiene algunos momentos dudosos en la historia, el gameplay es fantástico y tiene algunos momentos que son absolutamente kino, lo que lo eleva, en mi opinión, a un juego bastante recomendable.

Beatiful pixel art, nice and entertainig dungeons, a really nice combat system. But my god, the story if AWFUL, absolutely nothing, just the blandest almost 30 hours of my life. I used to say a bad story can be overlooked with good enough gameplay, and in this case, it's true, i finished the game, bu it soured the experience to such a degree.
The dissapointment of the year. I don't even have the strength to do the good ending, i don't think is gonna win me over with it.

Literally better than God of War (2018) in every conceivable way, combat, writting, visuals, eveything.
It matures the story of the whole series in a way it predecesor tried but couldn't really deliver.

Basically a colection of bosses, with a repeat of the final stretch of the game with the posibility of playing as different characters.
The real star here is the data version of org XIII, my god every fight is absolutely fantastic, a real challenge while at the same time being something you can lear to master and perfect.
The final secret fight is also absolutely amazing, with wonderful music and an interesting posibility of whats to come to the franchise.
Fantastic in various aspects, makes KHIII more than able to stand in the same podium as KHII.
Also Mickey does the MGS4 microwave corridor scene, making it goated with the sauce.

An awful DLC that takes the worst parts of the main game while doing nothing with the good parts, the story i basically non-existant, it put you in close spaces with lots of enemies and doesn't give you complete set to battle them. There where a few interesting uses of the enviroment but they were better employed in the other DLC.
You can skip this one without a problem.

This was pretty good.
It feels more like a modern DLC than a standalone game, it actually builds on the fundation of the first game, bringing more types of enemies, more weapons and a new map.
I think it adresses some of my gripes with the first game combat, altought it maybe makes it bit too easy in comparison, thankfully it biggest strength continues being the story and presentation, in which this sort of sequels excells, making the most it can do with the smaller size of this game.
In a way i like it more than the original, but in other ones it can feel a bit underwhelming. Thankfully it's dirt cheap nowadays.

Honestly one of the worst feeling games i've ever played, A disgusting amount of input lag makes it horrible to play.
It was the switch version so if the other versions run better i might be tempted to actually complete it.

Best guitar hero, best soundtrack

Nice combat and good character design, it sadly cannot carry what it is an incredibly mid game.
It's structure feels like a PSP game (derogatory), dull story with even duller character and even if i like the combat it is just not enough.
The level desing is also pretty bad, with some missions making you follow a slow moving flock of butteflies through a level you already played.
My opinion of the game got better after i unlocked better feeling weapons, but at the end of the day it is a really low budget to a cult game, it's short so if you find it cheap it's worth a playthrough for curiosity at least.

It's fun, but it is a MOBA so it can't be good