I beat this game in two sittings and it was fun until I realized how little content was in this game for 60 dollars

Would love to revisit this to see exactly what I thought of it but remembered I can't because the game is DELISTED FROM THE ESHOP 😭😭😭

I only got this game so I wouldn't have to pay a motherload for an original copy of Super Mario Sunshine. Great games included but absolutely insulting collection...the only extras offered are the OSTs which you could always listen to on youtube or soundcloud anyway. Having it be a limited run INCLUDING DIGITAL was the rotten cherry on top of the already rotten cake

The more superior version of super smash bros 4. Being able to play smash on the go is really cool and smash run is a very fun exclusive! It might be technologically limited thanks to being a 3ds game but smash bros as a handheld is already a great idea :)

Like Pokemon X but Lysandre is extra genocidal in this one if I remember correctly lol

(This review is for the version of this game that is included with the Xbox One Bioshock Collection)

I have mixed feelings on this game when it comes to story and the way combat works compared to the previous entries in this franchise. You can only hold two weapons at a time and the story gets weird and hard to follow at the end when they introduce some bizarre universe stuff lmao

Game looks pretty though :)

(This review is for the version of this game that is included with the Xbox One Bioshock Collection)


(This review is for the version of this game that is included with the Xbox One Bioshock Collection)

The combat feels alright and the atmosphere is very good! The story can get complicated at times but this game is a spectacle through and through

High definition versions of three games with all DLC included! The best way to experience the Bioshock franchise :)

Gameplay can get repetitive but the story is worth getting through :)

Controls are largely unresponsive and the physics are bizarre. the engine sounds compound into what sounds like the game farting and I'm just glad I quit it before it got worse

Much more fun than Wii Play...Wii Play Motion has much better motion controls and more games to choose from that are a good time as one player or more <3

Blatant copy of Ninjabread Man. When the game introduced motion controls as necessary to progress in the game I did myself a favor and just turned the game off

I finished this game in an hour or so. There os the training and only three levels...the motion controls are awful and Data Design really expects players to jump by shaking the nunchuk which is unresponsive a lot of the time. The only reason I was able to finish this was because I found out jumping is also mapped to the Z button on the nunchuk by accident. Game is most definitely made to be exploitative of people that don't know any better when buying games so even if it's playable (with the Z button jump) I give it a half star just for being exploitative.

Cute little game with cute little pokemon but other than that there's nothing really here to do