By the end of its first chapter, I felt that something special was present in this game. It only gets better from there, and I'm so happy I got to experience the crazy surprises the team at Remedy carefully crafted. There's a bit of jank from time to time, but it's hard to take it into consideration when Alan Wake 2 tries so many unique narrative ideas that you don't see anywhere else in games. I loved the blending of real life actors into the world of the game, how the Saga and Alan Wake sections twist your expectations and jump from horror to detective story so easily, and this feeling of uneasiness that sticks out no matter where you go in Bright Falls. Hard not to fall in love when so much heart is poured into a game like this one.

Incredible style and inventivity, charmul and full of secrets to discover, simply a pure joy to control. The Wonder Flowers effects love to take you by surprise - the only issue is that they break the flow of gameplay and leave a taste of unfinished business in your mouth.

Playing this game feels like doing chores.

holy shit I can walk through Midgar and hear incredible music for 30 hours?

More Pikmin - but the abundance of caves impacts the pacing in a negative way, progress is too often interrupted by them and it's not helped by the fact that there is no time limit in them.

Replayed this gem on the Switch this year and can't believe how well it holds up. It's the perfect adventure, the dream-like atmosphere creates a melancholic vibe that will never cease to make me emotional. The game also has one of the catchiest rendition of the Zelda overworld theme. The narrative is present just enough to make you feel engaged with the world, and bosses like to remind you that progressing in the adventure means slowly erasing the island from reality. Link's unavoidable awakening is a looming threat all throughout your journey in Cocolint. It is what you're working towards while dreading the moment it'll occur.

It's perfectly paced, silly and beautiful and uses its hardware limitation to the best of its capacities. The game's 8-bit soundtrack enchanted me back when I was a child and continues to do so to this day. Not the most impressive game but the dearest to my heart.

Never has a game left you so much freedom to complete quests in a way that you feel is unique to your adventure - or at least that's the feeling Baldur's Game 3 gives you during its whole campaign. A remarkable game with incredibly deep and well written characters, great combat and a continous feeling of "I can do that??" that never goes away.

I still have sore thumbs from trying to complete arcade mode in Hard while keeping the highest possible combo in all levels. Bonus points for being a blast to play with friends and extremely replayable.

Fun concept but I much preferred watching pro players stream the game over playing it myself.

What happened here? After falling in love with Aria of Sorrow I expected to love this game just as much if not more, but it feels incredibly off in comparison to its predecessor. A more annoying experience mainly due to a level design that doesn't flow well and a frustrating enemy placement; making the castle less exciting to explore. What a shame!

The perfect mix of challenging, stressful and rewarding. Olimar's journey towards rebuilding his ship keeps progress satisfying and exciting!

Playful, stunning to look at, and well paced overall. However can feel a bit harmless without moments that stay in memory - it all kinda blends in together without taking risks. Still a fun ride!

tap tap tap slide tilt tap tap tilt slide tap tap tap tap

A remarkable adventure, Link's new toolbox makes rediscovering Hyrule fresh and exciting. Finding new ways to reach the sky islands and solve the puzzles there was my favourite part of this journey. Had a huge smile on my face for the first 50 hours of it. Too bad the underworld feels very empty and breaks the flow significantly without having cool things to discover there. Also wish the armor distribution made it so you'll get new sets earlier on. The world can also feel bloated with too many activities at time. But damn, such creativity and exceptional design given to the player deserves to be celebrated. Happy this game exists.

Dropped after a few hours. Bland open world design that somehow makes this incredible city boring to explore. Meh.