Story was more interesting than the heist, but the 2nd to last mission is bugged and nearly impossible to complete for some people.

She's hot but not hot enough to make this DLC good

I love it.
The dialogue is easily my favorite part of the game, so it would be nice if people would stop initiating conversation when I am 2 seconds away from my next objective.

A little short and samey when compared to other platformers, but the final boss was great. Not worth 70USD.

Another great amnesia game with some extremely creative gameplay and aesthetic design choices. There are so many solutions to puzzles, you are left dumbfounded when the game lets you do something other games would never.

Scary, but not for everyone. Eventually got tired of wondering around trying to figure out how to progress.

Extremely fun with friends. The writing wasn't perfect, but I plan on playing this game again to try to get some other endings. The deluxe edition doesn't add much.

Extremely fun with friends. The writing wasn't perfect, but I plan on playing this game again to try to get some other endings.

My favorite halo. The guns, music, and atmosphere are better than the other games. The only thing that isn't better is the weird ass facial animations.

Gosetsu is the new best character

A really fun game, but extremely unbalanced. Its way too probable for the game to be won before you even get to your turn.

My favorite expansion of FFXIV so far