One of the best 2D Sonic games ever released, simple as that!

A definite upgrade over the original Sonic 1! I honestly can't say there's much of anything wrong with this game!

Besides mystic cave zone...

One of the best soundtracks in gaming history, some of the best pixel-art aesthetics in gaming history, I've re-listened to this game's soundtrack probably hundreds of times now, it's pure bliss to the ears.

The visuals too are wonderful, and the variety you get from all the different versions of levels available!

Unfortunately, the level design is quite weak. The game is more heavily reliant on verticality and exploration, but Sonic doesn't really fit that sort of gameplay. The level design had to be compromised so he can reach so high and low instead of giving Sonic a new ability to deal with the stages.

It's definitely much more fun on replay and, is a very fun game in general, it's just not on the same level as the other genesis era 2D sonic games, discounting sonic 1

One of my favourite 2D platformers as a whole, I genuinely adore it.

Frustratingly difficult, generic artstyle, irritating music... I really couldn't care less for this game.

Our lord and saviour Isai, God bless his soul.

This was one of the first games I'd ever emulated actually and, I very much adored my time with it!

And while coming back to it is a tad difficult with how, very generic it is compared to the rest of Kirby's library, it's still a really fun game that I'd recommend anyone try!

An incredibly vanilla, bog standard Sonic game, which makes it incredibly fun! But also not that remarkable.

Okay, here's the thing about this game...

I'm personally of the opinion that people complaining about a 2D Sonic game because "it doesn't have momentum!" or "it doesn't feel like the genesis games!" are, frankly really whiny.

I really love the genesis games, but I don't think every 2D Sonic game needs to play like them, the Sonic Rush games are testament to the ability of being able to make a Really Fun 2D game without needing to play like the genesis games.

This is the opposite of that, this is just fucking boring.

There's no level design, it boils Sonic down to its simplest form of just "Press the right button at the right time.", I frankly don't understand how this made it through development.

Definitely not a game I recommend.

One of my favourite games of all time, I need to write a proper review for this later...

A wonderful game butchered by its DLC.

You thought broken steel for Fallout 3 was bad? Oh this is FAR worse.

It's honestly remarkable to me, going from Armored Core V, to this game, how generally similar the gameplay structure and mechanics are! I guess they knew it was a winning formula right from the getgo!

I really enjoyed my time with this game, looking forward to finishing the other Armored Cores ^^

I'd have rated this 3 stars, because the story is a lot less interesting than the first game and levels feel a lot... grindier.

But man, that one jungle level, skulking through the bushes with that music playing in the background... that was a real highlight for me, enough to push it half a star further!