You like puzzles? Well you're getting nothing else!

This game is all puzzles, all the time! And they're honestly really fun, I enjoyed it!

This game is damn rough on a 1st playthrough, it'll absolutely beat your ass, but once you re-play it more than once, it's absolutely one of the best sonic games ever made!

Not gonna go on detail on why, because you already know why.

To quote Melo from Running Shine:

"Sonic Adventure is the kind of game I can only describe as "Dreamcast"."
""Dreamcast" is the feeling you get when you're playing a quality game on your Sega Dreamcast, the best video game console ever made."

I love the dreamcast.

It's been a long time since I played this one but, I remember enjoying it quite a bit.

I need to replay it again someday.

This is a perfectly serviceable 2D sonic game, I really wish it was something entirely unique like the Rush games were. But at least it somewhat makes up for it by having some unique levels compared to the home console release of Generations.

It's okey on a first playthrough and quite fun to time trial.

This is as close to a perfect sonic game as you can get in my opinion, the boost stages especially.

So many different paths, so many unique environments, absolutely stellar music. And that's all ignoring how moddable and expandable it is on PC.

There's a reason people still make mods for Generations instead of Forces, it's just That Good.

Easily one of the most over-hated Sonic games out there.

The music is amazing, the aesthetic is Perfect for the era, the levels are super fun and unique, the controls feel wonderful once you learn them.

Easily the worst thing about this game is how pittifully short it is which... when the main complaint you have with a game that there isn't more of it, that's definitely a good sign.

This is easily one of the most important fangames ever made, being one of the First sonic fangames created and one of the best from its era, and of course... it lead to the creation of Sonic Robo Blast 2, one of my favourite games of all time!

Going back to it is definitely rough and, I'd recommend most people experience it through "SRB2 the past" instead since it includes it as a level pack.

I'm currently taking a break from this game from how rage-inducing it is.

It's still the single best Kart racer ever made.

It's overhated, but also really average.

Incredibly in-offensive 2D sonic game.

This is... honestly really fun!

The level design resembles the classic titles more, the character abilities are very fun, the special stages are some of the better ones in the series, and the level aesthetics are quite nice!

While I'd recommend skipping the first episode, this one is genuinely a treat! I quite like it a lot!

It's not SRB2 by any stretch of the imagination but, it's honestly really good for what it is! I have a lot of fond memories playing it as a kid as well so, a bit of nostalgia is in play.

I like it!

Much like 16-bit triple trouble (or I guess the other way around since this released first), this isn't really a sonic CD fangame, it's a 3&K fangame with CD elements.

The level design is unfortunately quite weak, with a lot of dead air and straight lines with nothing going on.

What this game really excels in is its looks and especially its music, I love all the level themes and their respective tracks, and seeing them in the past and future is always incredibly fun!

I also quite enjoy the special stages in this one, they're very fun! But like others mentioned, 14 is quite a lot.

Still, this is a very good fangame, I'd recommend others play it!

My memory of this one is quite vague, but I remember finding it very fun! If a tad basic.

I should definitely give it a re-play

You can definitely feel a lot of what Spark the Electric Jester ended up becoming starting to brew here.

From the experimental ways traditional level gimmicks are played with, the unique environments, the silly humor, it's all things Spark would end up expanding on, but this is very excellent all the same!

Oh and the soundtrack is fucking stellar, even if you aren't gonna play this one you should at least listen to its OST.