About You: Video Games

Using this template: https://i.imgur.com/uASzgz3.jpg

I went with a one game per series rule. I'll leave my real answers without that limitation in the notes if applicable (spoilers most of them are Final Fantasy VII in that case).

Best art style.

Non-limitation answer: Dragon Ball FighterZ
You hate; Everyone loves

I wouldn't say I "hate" it, but there's a huge difference between my opinion and others.
You love; Everyone hates.

Non-limitation answer: Pokémon Sword
Favourite Game of all Time
Favourite protagonist (Ellie)
Best soundtrack

Non-limitation answer: Final Fantasy VII
Favourite series (Mario Kart)
Best story

Non-limitation answer: Final Fantasy VII
Tons of hours played
Favourite ending
Childhood game
Favourite villain (Nefarious)

Non-limitation answer: Sephiroth
Stressful game

Non-limitation answer: Returnal
Best boss (Nemesis)

Non-limitation answer: Sephiroth. Honestly any of them because One Winged Angel is just too good. I guess I coulda used Kingdom Hearts here, but that's kinda cheating.
Have not played but want to
Game I always come back to

Non-limitation answer: Sonic 2


2 years ago

This is a pretty fun list. Thanks for putting it together!

2 years ago

Trendsetter over here

2 years ago

Great list! Can I steal this format?

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