Games that inspire me to want to Game Dev

Games that I find iconic or that have interesting game mechanics or art styles that I would like to implement into my own game.

Music that will literally never leave your brain, simple art, atmosphere you can taste,
Pure retro nostalgia, psychological horror that goes way too far, harsh dichotomy of happy go lucky and mental trauma,
Sense of exploration, spaceship as a lifeboat, universe is indifferent to the player, time loop, knowledge based progression, physics-based movement system, deaths can be humorous,
Sense of adventure and exploration, the time loop mechanic, the interwoven lives of NPCs in regards to that time loop,
Secrets, adventure / exploration, hidden game mechanics available from the start, use of language as a puzzle or to hide lore and slowly reveal game mechanics to player, the retro manual being built into the game, isometric viewpoint and simple easy to read graphics, challenging combat, power ups and items purpose obscure to player,
Quiet, lonely, makes you feel insignificant, player is not important to the world around them, bosses that dwarf you in size, bosses that are indifferent to your existence until you stabby stabby, post apocalyptic setting
Enemies hidden in plain sight, labyrinth map that feels like a real place, multiple pathways between areas, secret areas and pathways based on power-ups,
Actors in a universe go through repeatable routines, weapon/load out customization, replayability, violence/gun combat appeals to wider audience, dry/dark sense of humor, challenges and "speed running" focused, each level has its own knowledge based progression, feels good to both to play by the laid out paths and to improvise,
Hub world, difficulty based mission objectives, play as an employee under a large mysterious organization,
Mech game, insane customization, multiple technical systems to manage when building and in combat, game lets you launch with mech with 0 combat ability and punishes you for it,
Insane ship customization, map makes you feel insignificantly small, incomprehensible how many solar system you can visit, variety of pathways for progress (combat, trucking, mining, etc.), docking and launch procedure that must be followed carefully,
Load out customization, insane detail in gun and attachments system, apocalyptic setting,


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