Things I hate about games I love

Or games I just have a positive opinion on I guess


haha made you look

fuck this game
Iron Giant. Shout-out to that one time I went up against two Iron Giants on the Adventure Time stage and lost to them spamming ground pounds.

(please IG less fucking stupid Warner I'm begging)
The chameleon enemies
I swear every momentum based puzzle had me redoing it a bunch after I barely missed jumping into a portal
Like all the Wily levels
The entirety of the fifth dungeon

Ann's treatment, especially seeing as the first dungeon rightfully portrays a lot of it as awful.

Morgana in general, I could see this being a personal top 10 for me if he was scaled back (or better yet, removed entirely)

That one scene where everyone beats up Ryuji
That one 'ten curveball throws in a row' mission I beat that shit like last week fuck you Niantic
The bosses. Just in general, all ass
Fuck Dr. Kahl all my homies hate Dr. Kahl
Byleth, as their presence automatically makes one side right in what is supposed to be a game about a morally grey conflict
I unlocked everything legit

Do not attempt this
The open world in general is annoying to traverse and adds nothing substantial to the gameplay
Garp and Kuma not being base roster characters despite both being in PW3 and having models and movesets in this game

Granted we do now have Garp but my point still stands
Act 7's anti gravity shit
That one move every major sith gets at some point that deals a ton of damage to your party, heals half their health, and they can use seemingly endlessly. Fuck that move.
Not including a comically racist depiction of an Irish person

This one applies to the whole series
Chargestone Cave
Seemed to have fixed the small portal issue I had but the gels brought my problems right back

How grindy the 7th day gets
Dungeon design in general is fairly lackluster
Added Sora and by extension convinced me playing Kingdom Hearts was a good idea
How easy it is to overlevel yourself, and making job levels harder to get by extension


2 months ago


2 months ago

Hit the nail on the head with Xenoblade Chronicles 3

2 months ago

It took me so long to realize you had to walk on the blue gel and then jump while you're in the middle of it rather than jump onto the blue gel like a trampoline. (portal 2)

2 months ago

For the Pokémon Go one, did you have trouble woth throwing curve balls? Cause honestly I got so used to those that throwing them regularly is what was hard for me.

2 months ago

How could anybody hate the bosses in Wario Land 4 ? That giant eggplant baby was cool as heck.

2 months ago

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2 months ago

Ahhhh I forgot about those freaking chameleon enemies is NEO.... The worst...

2 months ago

I'm surprised that you don't hate how slow the combat is on Overclocked. Great list

2 months ago

The chameleons... What a fuckn nightmare

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