Fantastic game, the combat never got boring trying to break the locks or time each attack. Drop dead gorgeous pixel art, so fluid and smooth. I enjoyed the story and overall really enjoyed my time with this one.

I enjoy megaman, however i feel i would get incredibly frustrated if I didn't have the ability to rewind or abuse save states on this one.

Originally played this game 24 years ago but never got past the first disc. Finally got around to playing through this after crisis core and very glad i did. Out of the final fantasy's I have played so far (1,2,3,7,9,10) this is currently my favorite one. Only negative is that it does drag for a little bit once you first leave midgar and takes a while to pick up again.

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Felt this game overstayed it's welcome a bit. Beanstar pieces section could have been left out. Overall though it's an enjoyable game, the timing based actions kept it interesting.

Great little platformer, true 2.5d

Everything I ever wanted from another Monkey Island. Ron Gilbert and team nailed it. The Art style is fantastic in motion. Anyone who has played the Secret of Monkey Island and Lechuck's Revenge....This is a must play.

Amazing narrative and one of the best uses of time loops in a game i have seen.

Super high recommend for anyone who likes narrative driven games.

Short and sweet zelda clone (even has a hookshot), finished in an afternoon. Some frustrating platforming at times.

Really enjoyed this one, not generally a fan of NES era games but this one was a delight. Big fan of the Spread powerup

For some reason i really disliked this game which i know is against popular opinion. It's cool how the different paths work, I just did not enjoy the actual gameplay and could not wait to stop playing it. Luckily it's nice and short.

My first foray into Splatoon. Really well polished, enjoyed the puzzle aspect of some of the campaign missions. Online was fun but connectivity was very shaky.

Fantastic combat, meh story. First time playing this series, definately has me hungering for more.