the Bugs I can honestly ignore since it wasn't so bad that it was game breaking. just a buzzing fly every once in a while.

That said, this game is LOADS of fun for me. great gameplay with fun Side activities and funny dialogue (as usual) and this makes it the best Saints Row Game for me. loved the Story that the Saints took on this game as well.

I have NOTHING bad to say about this game. just...beautiful.

Played it in a VERY relaxing time and it just added to the fun.

Good game. more to the Life is Strange story and a good bit of fun as well. However, this wasn't a choice game where your choices matter. It's a PREQUEL. all the shit you do ends up as "headcanon" so it doesn't matter WHAT you did, really. which is...alright i guess.

Was never a fan of something like a "Prequel Choices game" since...yeah. but all in all it adds to the Life is Strange story (albeit sometimes it's cheesy af like the screaming at the burning tree) 7/10

Amazing soundtrack, decent gameplay and Lovely, and sweet story. I can't say I don't have my bias with this game but I love it for the great potential it hides. I would LOVE if the devs made a game with a good budget and bigger team. more dedication to the OBVIOUS (for me) potential for an amazing game given the time.

All in all, I wish i could pay for the game. this shit was four hours but goddamn was it relaxing.

Bias has made me give this rating. a short and different perspective of the Half Life 1 game. basically I'm an addict who got more. don't matter if the quality is less.


A mud pit.

that i'll GLADLY roll over like the pig I am.
this game was SUPER fun to play with it's quick pace gameplay and difficult, timing-based bosses. with more than enough boss replays and duos to satisfy your masochistic nature.

Story was bizarre but most certainly a pleasure. all in all, a solid 8/10

a great way to set up for Life is Strange 2, a game which i adored.

Nothing much to say other than it being a pleasure to be honest. it was great to see how it tied in to Life is Strange 2 aswell. THAT made this worth it. 8/10

It was good. for a video game.

But a god awful remake to the original. does it no justice with 90% of Dialogue removed. makes it super bland and boring writing-wise.

Gameplay was good though. i enjoyed it. level design was good too but Platforming was ass. all in all a 7/10

Absolutely loved it. from the story to the short Ghibli cutscenes like rewards for my efforts. i loved this.

great story, characters, soundtrack and yes, even gameplay. it might be super simple but I strongly prefer it to it's sequel, Ni No Kuni 2.

That said, i have platinum'd this game and i enjoyed every moment of it. gameplay might've been a little too simplistic but i'm alright with that. 9/10

Short game that makes you c*m/cry buckets. Lore is great, and characters not so much other than our two main boys of course.

I got nothing bad to say, just wish there was more of what was given to us in this game. fun gameplay, fun and engaging all in all. 9/10

one more game from one of my favorite franchises, Uncharted.

pretty much more Uncharted. with Uncharted themes, Uncharted characters, Uncharted stories, Uncharted puzzles and Uncharted banter of course. i loved the Dynamic and how Sam is a third wheel in a way.

the Ending was very sweet and I'm VERY much impressed with the level design and how carefully put the enemies were and how fun sneaking was with Crushing difficulty. Reminds me of The Last of Us 1's Grounded difficulty. Difficult and painful but fun :)


It was great while it lasted. started to get too grindly and less fun. interesting nonetheless to revisit a classic that paved the way for it's kind. I respect it.

The missions had to be cheesed and repeated too many times and I honestly don't think it's cause of my inability to do it properly. either way, its a hefty 6/10

as a Borderlands fan (not 3) it was great to play another Borderlands game. i loved the AUSSY banter thanks to the devs for a switch of vibe. writing was great.

Gameplay wise however, replayability was down the drain for me. exhausting, not fun, and imbalanced difficulty to add.

with that said, i still really like this game. just more borderlands, but not AS good (even though it's hard to replicate) 8/10

for a Choice game, your choices don't matter whatsoever, it's decent at BEST and I'm being very nice here. although I somewhat see potential, it's faded with Meaningless choices and "Important" ones like Hug her or Kiss her...?

Yeah, no. this game missed it by a long shot. a sad game to promote the show which it failed at aswell. cause this ain't it. 5/10

Perfection. Artorias and and Abyss ADDS to an ALREADY PERFECT GAME. what the hell more could you ask for? This game combines Gameplay and Story beautifully. both at their peak, none of em better than the other. a game I will always come back to no matter what.

Dark Souls 3 has gameplay topped. Dark souls 2 has Story topped. But 1? 1 Excels in both. Amazingly. 11/10