I see potential with this game but it was just...Average at best. Average Soundtrack, average Characters and painfully average story. Nothing much to say other than...meh, i'll take it. it was worth my time but never again.

they brought back the fun gameplay from Dark Souls 1 and improved on it, which of course I can absolutely appreciate.
The replayability of Dark Souls 1 is DOUBLED in this game (especially with mods c:) and gameplay all around was a goddamn riot.
Bosses are amazing, Soundtrack was expected to be this good thanks to the amazing and talented Yuka Kitamura.
Dark Souls 3 won't top Dark Souls 1 for me because it lacked in something that made me (and i'm sure alot of people) fawn over that amazing game...Level Design.
The feel of having a shortcut lead you all the way back to where you started....shortcuts WITHIN levels so you can come back to or fight bosses with an easier trek.
That sense of exploration is rewarded to you with a valuable gift to EASE your ways through the game, Deservingly.
This game was too Linear. it had the straightest line out of all the Dark Souls games in terms of Progression. It's like the game took a step backwards from what was achieved in the first and second game.
The game felt like it was meant for Beginners to the series and that upsets me. because Dark Souls 1 already exists for those who want to tackle the Dark Souls pain, but 3 is here so...Beginners can rest easy and Experts can have a cake walk (compared to DS1)

Always my point with the Dark Souls Trilogy are:
1. Dark Souls 2 Excels in Lore.
2. Dark Souls 3 Excels in Gameplay
3. Dark Souls 1 Excels in both.

All in all, more Dark Souls for Masochistic me :)

man this shit was Juicy. first Zelda game and i start it off strongly. Goddamn i loved the Puzzles and soundtrack so much. i was completely lost and entranced by the Level design and how challenging it was and oohwee did it keep me goin' and wantin' for more.

This was cool :) very cool :)

Oh man what a dope ass RPG. i loved the STORY the SOUNDTRACK (wow) the amazing CAST of characters and of course, the World and its setting and the ANTAGONISTS...

i mean....i could keep hyping this game but TRUST this one was very much worth my time and my curiosity served me a fulfilling meal.

Kills me to finally see where they lacked hard.
The events that people loved (like the genophage) wouldn't have happened if Mass Effect 1 YES 1 didn't establish this into the Mass Effect Universe. Mass Effect 2 sort of failed to expand from Mass Effect 1's already Rich lore but created it's own, and Mass Effect 3 went back to grandpapa Mass Effect 1 to use up some of it's Juice for it's own.

Martin Sheen is ruined in this game. i didn't like the treatment he got as a character to be honest. and I've never seen such ass-kissery in my life than with Kai Leng. that f*k literally took up the screen 24/7 and i dreaded every second of it.
They heard Troy Baker is on the Cast and they wanted to f*
k the story up just for him :) yay.

With that being Said, despite Mass Effect 3's flaws and flops it DID respect Mass Effect 1 and resolved it's most talked Historical events. granted, with the help of some amazing Mass Effect 2 Characters like Legion and Dr Mordin :')

Ending was exaggerated and the most Un-mass Effect thing i've seen besides Kai Dung and for what it gave in the end? I'll take it. yup, with a big fat accepting smile on my face cause It's Mass Effect.

"I am yours" -Liara

Yeaaahhhp i loved this game. on a whole different level when it came to soothing and relaxation. I could relate to a fair bit of things in this game and even with the characters at times. I might be a cheesy f**k but I don't know...this one clicked.

this felt odd. Decent game but definitely the weakest of the three. just felt....lifeless. like the passion of the previous games didn't have such a significant presence in this one.

DLCs included? i think this game is a goddamn riot.
I honestly don't think this game deserves to get as much hate as it did. I definitely vibed with the vibe they was going with. including the DLCs aswell.

However i ALSO admit that this shouldn't stand as a sequel to the Mafia games. more like a spin-off to be honest. but they had to give it the title so it sells so it is what it is.

I liked the game. but i definitely disliked the repetitive bullshit missions. so i kicked back with my personal playlist and made something out of it and it worked. like a f**ked up recipe baked well enough.

A great sequel for the Mafia series and a beautifully told story at that. Characters were amazing EXCEPT FOR ONE, Vito. this man is a husk in this game. has little to no substance (even before the war from what I can tell) and the only thing that excites this man is...yup. money. and even then he's not really excited.

Other than the Protagonist being a mummy, everything about this game was great. i loved it. all the way through.

"Tommy angelo?"

I honestly love this game so much. a huge fan of mob movies and series so this one was comfortable to play.
Loved the characters and that sweet, sweet soundtrack. Paulie was great aswell. A favorite, if i'm being honest.

All in all an amazing experience with this game and I'm glad it was.

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As a sequel to Mass Effect 1? this disappoints me. but i've chosen to toughen it out and treat this game Solo to the first game due to it being quite an unloyal Sequel.

the things that happened in this game is basically Mass Effect 2 shooting Mass Effect 1 and taking it's belongings (Lore, worldbuilding, characters...etc)

Reapers went from "Rudimentary creatures of blood and flesh..." to "Sheparddddd"

Right, like a being that puts itself above all would acknowledge a lowly creature like a human. cool.

So what does this mean? this turned into an action pow pow....a GREAT action pow pow.

Despite deriving from Mass Effect 1, I respect the game on it's own. on what it accomplished WITH Mass Effect 1's Inheritance to it. can't help but admit that this one was a GOOD one. more Mass Effect just different Mass Effect. doesn't mean it's BAD Mass Effect as it's proven here with Part 2.

Final Boss was complete garbage in terms of writing though. a Human Reaper? let's not, huh? Reapers replicating these foolish creatures? let's seriously not huh? but it seriously happened so whatever. not my thing, it is what it is.

Glossed over the fact that Mass Effect 1 was murdered despite its setup for a sequel. aswell as the decisions in this game like making the reapers more of a predictable and less mysterious being orrr the final boss :)

like i said, This would be a dip from Mass Effect 1 BECAUSE it is a sequel. Retconned tons of shit. but....despite all that? it's a Mass Effect game so of course I'd be biased to an extent.

Not as good as the previous Ty game in my opinion but it definitely stands as a great sequel. I loved the soundtrack and the characters aswell of course. it might've gotten me burned out quickly from time to time but it's still a great game. Love Ty.

Aw man I love this. way more than the second game. I loved the level design, the bosses and the way this game kept me going through and through and never burned me out (unlike Ty 2 with it's open world)

this is my SHIT.

Oh man...what a bittersweet ending. a beautiful comeback from the beatdown that was given to me by the previous Walking Dead game. I feel...satisfied.

finishing this long series of games has been emotional but I knew it was time. and I definitely do not regret it for a moment. well and truly worth it.

What a disappointment. compared to it's Predecessor, this really ain't it.
The story was below average, the characters are all mummies straight of "Trope-book" and the Combat was a step down for me compared to WotWW.

This game has redeeming factors though. the Soundtrack was amazing (as expected) aswell as the Art of the whole game in general. so there's that.
But that most certainly won't carry a game but it definitely saved it from sinking for me. 6/10