Childhood game. but I came back to it (after Saints Row 2) and realized how stupid I was.

This game CAN be fun. but it really isn't all that much. story is a stinky joke and Humor lost it's touch compared to the Second game and honestly got super old when the zombies kicked in.

Zimos is a f***ing riot though. McKenzie aswell. so this game wasn't horrible, just alright.

Honestly can't pinpoint why this game was great. but it was good while it lasted. Car mechs were meh. story is alright but all in all a worth it experience for a GTA game.

Wellp, our beloved Haruka gets Knocked up with some douchebag who couldn't own up to it AND Kiryu decides that it's time to "go buy some milk from the store"

Not good. definitely not a good story. nor ending. nor characters. nor plot.
As a yakuza fan this disappointed me but I was too proud to admit how I felt so I casually ignored the fact that the culmination of Kiryu Kazuma is....this.

That said, the game was definitely fun. combat was amazing and fresh yet familiar to the Yakuza player and the substories as good as they always were. Karaoke songs had a lovely addition such as "Today is a Diamond" and that alone could EASILY bump my opinion of this game as a whole upward.

Game still ends up making me a little sad, frustrated yet...accepting. it is what it is and I'll take it for what it is. but it won't change how I feel about it since it definitely had the weakest characters by far and much more...but let's not butcher too much, I ain't THAT harsh. 7/10

Wow. I loved the designs they chose for every Finch's story and life. this kept me wanting more and more till there was nothing left to suckle.

I'm happy with this being such a high score cause it deserves it from me. What an experience.

What a clunky game with subpar gameplay mechanics and average story with poorly written characters.

yet somehow....this was...really fun. get a mate with ya and this game is your shithouse. mess around and treat it all like a big fat joke, and the game turns into something that was actually enjoyed through and through.

I don't think this game was meant to be played alone otherwise this would've been unbearably shit. nothing to keep ya going. had a mate to shithouse with, only THEN will the game be enjoyable.

That said, this is MY experience with it. a Co-op necessity and a singleplayer AVOID AT ALL COSTS type of game.

I honestly went into this expecting a typical Open world with the beauty and the repetitiveness to get my nerves at some point...but it never did.

This game kept me engaged all the way through. from the amazing and beautiful side stories with the side characters to the climax of every battle against the dominant Khan and his army.

Without saying much, the world was too beautiful to ever get bored of. I didn't mind the long treks because of how lost I was with the beauty of it all. it NEVER got old which is honestly surprising, since Open world games tend to do that for me.

Amazing experience. and I was very happy to Complete the game 100% and get that Platinum trophy. well and truly deserved my time. 10/10

Such a relaxing game to binge and couch-play. super fun when you want it to be and you ain't out there completing the game which, in my opinion, takes away from the relaxation and smooth sailing of the games.

1 was solid.
2 was a bit clunky
3 was great fun

all in all great fun, especially with someone to play with in a couch. kick back, relax, and enjoy some crash bandicoot.

Telltale popped the f*** off with this one and carried the shit out Borderlands' story pushing it into the third installement beautifully. Which of course, gave us one of the shittiest game writing I've ever seen in my life from a AAA studio. but that's besides the point, we are talking about Tales from the Borderlands.

Amazing writing, BEAUTIFUL choice of soundtrack, great voice acting (ofc), and an ENRICHING addition to the Borderlands universe. humor never gets old and the characters never bore me for even a second.

the best Borderlands game made by Telltale huh? I don't know what that exactly says but I dig it. 10/10

Severely underrated in my opinion as it is greater than Dark souls 3 in something that I would consider my favorite thing about Dark Souls. Lore.

The lore was rich. and the story was acknowledging the facts of Dark Souls 1 with a beautiful follow up sequel. simply Perfect. however, the gameplay was a step down, i understand. But the lore (which i prefer) could not be ignored by me since I place it next to Dark Souls 1 when it comes to that.

Dark Souls 2 is something I pushed through with gameplay because of how obsessed I was with the Lore and the world itself. I suppose It's fair to say that I have my bias with this but I really am trying to hold it back here. because I do really believe that the Lore is very much worth the struggle. a REWARD for the brutal gameplay some might consider an Endurance test.

Despite the Anger and the constant episodes of rage, I got treated to a beautiful piece of lore every time i overcame something. and it all culminates beautifully in the Rich world of Dark Souls 2.

Don't skip this game. give it your all and appreciate what it has given you in return.

"no matter how tender, how exquisite....a lie will remain a lie!" -Aldia, "Scholar of the First Sin"

Had to download a mod to make some of the missions ACTUALLY fun to play. nonetheless, GTA was never easy to begin with so I dealt with it.

Game was surprisingly fun with it's story, dialogue and even mechanics. I loved the radio and the whole 80's vibe and of course, Scarface: The Game. 8/10

Cool game. with a Soundtrack to chill and relax to while gleefully throwing yourself into one of the most difficult shit I've ever had the "pleasure" to play (Bonus Last chapter)

Didn't hit as hard with me as with many others which I tend to get a little envious of but it is what it is.

I think the game was great all in all and I would definitely recommend anyone try it, even if this isn't their cup of tea.

THIS is where Telltale's The Walking Dead took a NOSE DIVE for me. despite my love for the games this one will not get a pass. Why? cause it's shit. compared to the others, that is.

Clementine's treatment as a character was not to my liking. might as well be someone else instead of bringing her back for fan service and blocky dialogue.

Main story didn't really have much to present. just a rag tag band of douchebags whom pose as shit parents, really. Brother gets cuckolded (huge nono for me)

Naruto and Sasuke type shit goin on with the brothers and uhhh I don't know. this ain't it. but what little it DID give that was good makes it a meh for me.

Bias with The Walking Dead franchise so no wonder I'll have my bias with this game.

Continuation with Characters I'm familiar with and love soo I'm right at home with this. I loved Carver and the Obsticles he placed in front of our Gang here. seeing things turn out the way they did? I had my gripes with it but no so much after a coupla days sooo it's a 10/10.

Not for everyone and I'm sure I'm not really being helpful lol. but I just enjoy adding a note to my personal reviews.

I love The Walking Dead. I have read and finished the beautifully written and drawn Comic series and I can gladly say that I'd put this beside it.

I loved the game. I loved the Characters and I loved the story. there really isn't much to say other than that. that's how boring it is for me to write something about a game I consider Amazing. 10/10

Soundtrack. couldn't wait to mention it later, it's just THAT good.

Great gameplay and VERY cinematic which I'm sure can throw a lot of people off (not me)

100%'d the game which I only do for games that I REALLY enjoy (and it doesn't take much time to get completionist on it)

:) 9/10 :)