66 Reviews liked by CrimsonMercuria

no - i actually might go back to plants vs zombies

While a great throwback to the NES Era of video game, Final Fantasy simply fails to live up to its predecessor Stranger of Paradise, keeping in mind its shortcomings and lack of content this game should've been a DLC bonus for Stranger of Paradise rather than its own standalone title.

Final Fantasy is a total step down in everything, even the combat, and story which was greatly shocking to me as I found those aspects of the original to be phenomenal.
Gone are the complexities of the soul shield system, and in exchange, we have a watered-down job system with a tiring and exhausting turn-based combat system which is a complete insult to everything Stranger of Paradise was.

The story is a complete rehash of Stranger of Paradise with plot points removed, despite the fact this is a sequel which greatly upsets me as the story was one of the best aspects of the original game and a follow up had a lot of potential, yet the execs over at Square care not for artistic integrity but trying to make a quick buck cashing on a massively popular IP which makes it safe to assume that Stranger of Paradise was a lightning in a bottle that they will never be able to capture again.

playing the bear level with joycon drift is going to be my version of the journalist playing the cuphead tutorial

Foul, foul little game. Barely even a Warriors title.

If QTEs, linear hallways with no real objectives, poorly animated cutscenes that're inferior to some original SFM animations and half-baked rosters are your thing, wire in.

Not for me, though.

I'm frankly amazed this is even considered a musou, it's even more juvenile and underbaked than DW2. This is, at the time of posting, the worst game I've played during the musou marathon.

Actually legitimately a waste of everyone's time, especially in hindsight since 3 did nothing with any of the stuff here

Story is a bunch of nothing, combat takes away everything that made XC1 gameplay tolerable, and Gael'GOAT really is the villain of all time

If you change the '6' in the game's title to 'type', it becomes 'Ridge Racer Type 4', and I think that's a pretty cool easter egg.



Ib fans when I show them Mario 64 (actually scary game about paintings, Nintendo YouTubers told me so)

Let's go gamers, we can watch Ada Wong get erotically dismembered in 4k!

(It's a good remake and makes Separate Ways less of a glorified speedrun side mission but egads the voice acting realy needs more direction.)

It's worth going through the trouble of setting it all up if that says anything. The Intercept move is difficult to use properly if you're super used to the base game or Black, but once you get a hang of it the pace of combat changes completely. It makes Ninja Gaiden into an entirely different game so I see why it was cut. For a fan of the original game it makes for a really interesting way to play it, I highly recommend checking this out if possible.

condensed symphony of the night

what a condemnation of our society that now people are so desperate as to rip off hollow knight of all things

perhaps arkane's best game yet

A scam so good it's got Stockholm by the balls.