Why would anyone ever play this when Peace Walker exists and it's just so vastly superior in every way possible.

My favorite Ass Creed game. Basically took everything amazing about II and improved on it, best story in the series and best gameplay, great OST and incredible visual presentation too.

Overall a very solid superhero game and a good Batman game. It nails the atmosphere, character portrayals, has great voice acting work and has good lore based on the universe.

The combat seems pretty basic and clunky by todays standards, but back in 2009 it was pretty mind-blowing and revolutionary, kinda why so many other games have tried to mimic it since then.

The greatest unfinished game ever made. One step forward from DMC 3 and two bigger steps back.

The action scenes and dialogue are just as awesome and over-the-top as DMC 3, the combat is polished to a pristine shine, the addition of style swapping in mid battle makes it even more stylish and the arsenal of weapons is just as good.

Nero is a great addition to DMCs already great cast of characters, but the story is very lacking compared to DMC 3 and feels very rushed.

The music is just as blood-pumping intense as ever.

The level design is great...The first time you play them, but going through the same levels in reverse order with Dante is when you can tell the game was rushed and unfinished.

The combat and everything else in the game is so great that the rehashing of levels and bosses didn't bother me that much and even though it isn't quite the masterpiece DMC 3 is, it's still amazing and worth playing if you're a fan of the series.

I am not really a fan of MOBAs, but for the very short time I played this one with some friends it was the one I enjoyed the most out of all the MOBAs that I've played.

A fun, but repetitive and simplistic arena fighting game with an enjoyable 'What if?' styled fan-service story, great stage design, vast roster of characters and good music. Naturally if you're a Jojo fan you'll enjoy it more, but even then it most likely isn't going to land on an 'all time fave games' list for most people.

I am not an MMO guy in the slightest, a friend talked me into playing this and it was fun for a couple days, but I tried coming back to it after not playing for a few days and I was already bored, now I honestly have no desire to ever go back to it. Really all I can say about the game is that the combat is stylish and cool and it looks pretty, I only put 10 hours into it so I can't speak for the story, but it certainly didn't grip me at the start. If you're like me and do not enjoy MMOs this game is definitely not going to change that and if you do like MMOs I'm sure there's plenty of better ones out there because this game just felt completely bog-standard.

I enjoyed it, but I think out of all the Ys games, hell out of all of Falcom's games I've played this one did the least for me. It was the epitome of mid in basically every regard.

This was the first game on the new engine and it really shows due to how simplistic the combat mechanics feel compared to Felghana or Origin.

The concept of different swords having different elemental attacks is cool, but executed horribly because you can only damage certain enemies with certain elements therefore you constantly have to grind so you can upgrade and refine all THREE of your swords at the same time.

I typically don't mind the Ys grind, but in this game just felt so unnecessary and way too often. If you're even 1 level below the recommended for a certain boss or your weapon isn't leveled up enough you'll be doing almost no damage against them.

However when you are properly leveled up combat is extremely easy compared to Origins or Felghana which were much more challenging, no boss really stood out to me other than the 2nd to last boss.

Level design is your typical Ys, but this time it felt more bland because I didn't enjoy the gameplay as much.

OST has a few standout tracks, but still one of the weaker Ys OSTs to me.

The story also didn't really do much for me. Your typical Ys story. Adol arrives in a new land, has to collect magic artifacts for the people of the land, learns of some ancient prophecy that will throw the land into turmoil and has to stop it. Like I said, not bad, but very by the numbers. The racial conflict between the Rehda and Eresians was interesting, but I didn't really care much about any of the main characters aside from Geis and Ernst.

Anyways, the game wasn't bad, but it was incredibly underwhelming and I expect much more from Falcom.

It's a very ambitious concept and if the combat was more enjoyable the game could've been a true classic because the story, characters, world and atmosphere are all really good. Unfortunately the janky combat makes it hard to get through for most, but I still found it compelling enough to reach the end and thought it was worth it.

I remember hanging out with a friend back in the day and watching him playthrough this whole game on the Xbox 360 in one day. He got to the very end and then his power went out and since this was before auto-saves were implemented in every single game and he hadn't saved the game a single time, he had to restart from scratch. Don't think he ever beat the game after that lmao.

Moral of the story is remember to save in games you play periodically, especially if it's an old game.

If you're a fan of the Final Fantasy series or even just the music of the series this is one of the best rhythm games ever. Took everything amazing about the first game and just amped it up by 10 and gave even more music even songs from NieR and Chrono Trigger counting the DLC.

I think this game is the first game that made me break a controller back when I was a kid. I hate it and love it at the same time.

A very lackluster and anti-climatic finale to a great reboot trilogy of origins story for Lara. From the story to the gameplay and graphics everything just feels like such an inferior rehash of Rise. I mean it's not a horrible game, it's just pretty forgettable which is disappointing since it's supposed to be the 'epic definitive conclusion' to the trilogy. Well, at least Lara is still just as great as ever.

A massive upgrade and step up from the first Battle Network in genuinely every single conceivable way. Everything that makes Mega Man (and especially Battle Network) so great is just better here from the narrative which is better written and more gripping right from the start and also pretty damn dark at times for a kid's game, I mean we literally fight the netmafia and eco-terrorists who are much more willing to kill innocents, there's still that 'monster of the week' formula, but with more emphasis on over-arching storytelling now too and the boss fights being more fun and having more than two attacks, to the chips and builds having even more variety and the combat getting extra added depth due to style changes and of course huge shoutout to whoever decided to add sub-chips especially the SneakRun repel-like item so now the encounter rate (Which is already much more balanced than in the first game) is nowhere near as annoying, the fact you can actually run from fights without having to use the escape chip is also nice. Finally even the level design is much less labyrinthine as well, however that doesn't stop the FreezeMan scenario from still sucking hardcore due to how cryptic it is and the absurd amount of backtracking. Overall still a very solid game which was vastly more enjoyable than the first and a good prelude before the perfection that is Battle Network 3.