Was drawn in by the visual style, the actual gameplay is not super interesting but I dug the story they were telling enough to keep with it. Still like the trailer song! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xlFHnz2ZksU


Perfectly fine, REALLY nice sprite art. I think this sort of platformer just isn't for me anymore.

Probably my favorite game i've played in 2024 so far. You can tell they weren't too sure on how to handle the hardware itself yet, but everything else about it really hit for me. Like playing an OVA.

Hadn't played an XCOM or really of Firaxis' other work before but this one really hit for me. Maybe avoid it if you've got MCU fatigue, but if you can look past it there's a good, challenging game here with some fun comic book character stuff.

It is exactly what it says it is and I enjoyed it!

An earnest and loving tribute to the Zelda CD-i games that holds up on its own as an enjoyable game! Huge props to everyone that had a hand in it, i'm very much looking forward to whatever they do next. But I SHOULD be able to weird the Dinner Blaster in Arzette 2

Got revenge on this game after not beating it as a kid

Definitely better than Sonic 4! But also, definitely not my favorite 2D Sonic. Kind of buggy and best enjoyed solo.

This game is weird after playing MML1. I enjoyed it but I still prefer the story and setting of the first game. The gameplay improvements (especially taking advantage of dual-sticks) are very welcome. I hope they put out a 3rd game someday.

A great "ending" to the ongoing story, but i'm pretty biased after playing the game since launch. Even if I fall off the game itself i'll probably still keep up with it.

(Played in Megaman Legacy Collection)

(Played in Megaman Legacy Collection)

(Played in Megaman Legacy Collection)

(Played in Megaman Legacy Collection)

(Played on Megaman Legacy Collection)