A great story told in the wrong format imo

Very cute, really great dense world/level design. The controls are pretty rough for a game that relies on climbing, however I had the same issue with stray. Cats move in a way that is kind of like tank-controls.

Similar games fail to execute on the brilliant idea that they're built around, or if they manage to execute on it well they fail to build upon it. This game does well at both.

Very charming and authentically indie; it feels like a game with limited resources (the UI or the levels floating in a skybox) but they put every cent where it mattered.

Don't let that one annoying VO line that went viral on twitter scare you off.

Seriously epic. Grand set pieces and so much variety. They really have the chapter formula down to a science; I felt like I could pick up the game for one chapter and expect to see a new environment with a boss, some puzzles, and some new mechanics.

My only gripe is that the movement is a tad sluggish and doesn’t seem to fit with the combat, where you’re constantly facing a horde of bad guys.

The first two thirds of Cocoon are a masterclass in exploration, and level/puzzle design in their own right. However, the last third is a Nolan-degree headfuck executed perfectly. Worlds within worlds; worlds within themselves.

More of the best bits of the base game. It’s amazing how they manage to execute on progression in a game like this.

Pikmin 4 really caught me off guard. The only other game in the series I have played is Pikmin 3 Deluxe. While that was a great introduction to the series, after playing it I understood why Pikmin was more of a niche series.

It seems that the lone complaint others have with this game is the lengthy tutorial, where they introduce each gameplay mechanic one at a time for the first 2 hours of the game. I had no issue with this at all; RTS are typically too overwhelming for me to bother with, and this helped a lot.

Once the tutorial is officially wrapped up, you get to experience a gameplay buffet that offers so much and executes everything perfectly. Each level is beautifully laid out and unique. Each Pikmin is a funny little bloke. The return of the caves, and the introduction of dandori battles, dandori challenges, and night expeditions makes Pikmin 4 feel like so many games in one.

Nintendo continue to hit home runs with the latest renditions of all of their main series, and Pikmin 4 moves Pikmin into the A tier for me.


Very strong story with great cooking mama gameplay. Rare to see a story from a mother’s perspective and rarer to learn so much about a culture underrepresented in media. Nice work :)

Not only did I have gamebreaking bugs and horrid performance but the world and mechanics just don't really make any sense or work together.

Very well made game with a beautiful world. Hard to play this after so recently playing Sekiro though. Could have gone without the AC crap as well.

This game is awe inspiring. It works with scale so well.

Impeccable story but far too long. I never really bothered with the open world stuff either.

I finished this game in 3 ten-hour sittings.

When this came out I asked a friend "So it's just a 1:1 remake? but it's a gameboy game?". I've never been so wrong, Nintendo game design is timeless.